Weird growth disparity--Conventional pot v. Smart Pot

I have to agree with cayenne on this one, the sooner I can upgrade, I do it. Less stressbmoving the same plant multiple times. These went straight into the big grow bags.
The thinking behind the smaller initial pots with limited (read not extensive) root constriction is that it can increase lateral root growth and fine root filliment growth compared with unrestricted initial root growth which in turn can increase nutrient uptake once potted on and established. I have personally noticed slower initial growth when small plants are potted into much larger containers and are also much easier to over water.
The thinking behind the smaller initial pots with limited (read not extensive) root constriction is that it can increase lateral root growth and fine root filliment growth compared with unrestricted initial root growth which in turn can increase nutrient uptake once potted on and established. I have personally noticed slower initial growth when small plants are potted into much larger containers and are also much easier to over water.

guru's BS says otherwise.

Argument over/ ;) Just mess'n witcha believe what you want. This is convincing enough for me.