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Weird Thai Pepper growth


I'm not worried or anything but the one thai pepper plant is taking on a weird trait. This picture isn't great as the camera isn't that great with plants. But what's happening it one normal chili will produce while two will come out spiraling beside it. Looks pretty gnarly.
Use the "macro" setting. Even the simplest cameras have it. Or shoot from a distance and edit the pic to show what you want us to see..

This is the best I can do right now. You can see what I'm talking about a little better in this one. Unless someone has tips on using the Canon Powershot SD600.
it seenms to be doing what ring of fire peppers do exept more spiraly whats the name of it red yellow orange super dragon short long
Looks pretty cool Yoop. Like Mr.A said, most cameras (even the cheapo ones) have a setting on them.

Check this link out it's a vid so you don't even have to read anything ;)
no probs yoop, it's all good. wish I could find something similar for my camera it takes close ups only when it feels like it!


I think I did a lot better on this time around. Tried to take a picture of a praying mantis that was patrolling my plants but it didn't want to work.
I have had those form on some plants before. I don't know what causes it. On a side note, I looked up your camera. It appears that the macro setting is located on the ring around the "FUNC SET" button. You will see a flower above a mountain peak on the left side of the ring. I am guessing if you click on that you can navigate to macro which would be the flower.
I'm in the same boat Josh, just never had the need to take a close up until I started growin peppers. Would never have even known how to take a good one for that matter.
hey southern yooper my Dynamite pods had the same effect to a few of the pods it almost looked like they were trying to grow ears literally looke djust like it. i guess you ould clall these pepper ears. jk or not. POtawie prob will chime in and tel us what this is exactly alle dand why im sure!
Looks like what i'm getting. Almost have the pods that are producing have the two curling ears on the side. Eh, I don't care as long as they taste good.