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  • just got me 1.5 acres of land for planting my peppers :happy dance:
    AWESOME !!! 12" apart that's a bunch !!!
    yep gonna make me some sauces this year too :) i might have to take a few days at the farmers market but oh well :) im extremly excited about it cause i can grow all 400 and some varieties of peppers and still have tons of space left for other vegges and stuff :)
    You are gonna have a great season congrats !
    got back from pittsburgh last night and i have pneumonia :'(
    i went to the docs yesterday and was told i had pneumonia my lungs are sore and im coughing heavily my lungs sound like a have a kazoo inside them and im coughing up mucus i havnt been this sick since i was in the hospital with a stomache flu
    Sorry to hear that.Hope you get well soon.Been trying to reach you but you can`t get messages.Give me a yell when you get a chance..Satans and more coming finally.
    i cleared my messages rich so now you should be able to contact me :)
    sleepy after pulling all nighter to get loads of homework done ZZZZZ.....
    can't say I miss those days. way to hang in there!
    Got back from the poconos My dad lil bro and two lil sis's went skiing but since im too injured i couldnt go so my mom took me to a shooting range I hit 9 targets with 8 shots (someone shot a log and it was swingin around and i timed it perfectly and i hit both targets with on shot) with an AR-15 i hit 6 targets with 8 shots with an UZI (gun sights were awcward) and i decided to do someshooting for target pactis on a sheet of papper i hit 2 shots in the bulls eye and 6 shots half inside...
    DOING HOMEWORK ALL NIGHT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no it isnt)
    Cant say that I miss those says!!!
    LOL - TOTALLY depends on the class. Some of mine, I could work on them all day every day and be very happy.
    lol it was for my 11th grade trig class (im in 9th grade :P ) art, health, goverment, biology, and english @^_^@ i was up til 6 am and i had to get up 2 hours later i decided to just sleep past my alarm clock and skip school until 2 cause i was extremly tired and id rather do stuff as homework and not fail then fail because of lack of sleep @^_^@
    just came back from the ER had a snowboarding accident a few days ago and it was still bugging me they said i strained my right triceps and bruised the bone of my upper arm if its still bothering me in a week i have to see an orthopedist (just happy i didnt break it lol )
    i did summersaults down the mountain after my board got caught on a piece of missing ice/snow
    OUCH! Get better soon.
    I will I'm starting to feel a lot better and i have full motion in my arm again :)
    hey i finished your order and i wanted you to know that i was out of peach t scorp, sorry it was very popular and i only had one plant, also i gave a large amount of seed to meadowview for this season, he will be growing it so watch for it this year, he actually lost it in the 2010 season (no germination) and did not have it since, i was lucky enough to have had some seeds from the 2009 season and planted them in 2011, now he has it again i subbed morougah red for it, this is not the moroug...
    got some 7's and trini scorps sprouting >:) alomost time to feel the pain (please dont remind me it takes 6-9 months for the things to give me peppers)
    Why is this world so cruel just found out my one of my best friends was raped
    Sorry to hear about your friend. :(((((((( Hope everything is going to be okay w/your friend.
    So glad to hear but sorry i`ve been in a rut to say the least.If I can help in the future let me know and will TRY to respond better.Good season and a good burn to you. Rich
    Hey sorry but seeds went out friday.Once again sorry for the delay but all hell here.THEY WILL be there and thanks for the trade. Rich
    Hey Alex seeds are on their way.Sorry for the delay but have had a major family issue .-Stroke- and i`ve fallen behind .If you do not have them By Friday let me know and once again ,,sorry,,I do not make a habit of being this slow.Enjoy and let me know if I can help in the future. Rich
    thanks i counted how many variets i had the other day and i knew i had a lost ones i counted to 257 and estimating the other ones to total 275 5th year with the things started with orange hab devils tongue mucho nacho jalapeno red marconis corno di toros and sweet banana now look at me
    Your grow list reminds me of JungleRain's.
    Very impressive!!
    I lean more towards the extreme superhot types and they say the BT is the baddest ones going right now. We'll see about that!!
    Hey mate, I have a couple of yellow 7 seeds I may be able to trade for a couple of Barrackpore if available?? Or possibly Trini scorp cardi.... the yellow 7 is the only 7 I have that you listed as wanted.
    EDIT: What's the long choc hab like? is it similar to the choc in flavour and heat or not even close?
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