• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Well I made up some hobby sauces

Experimenting with different things, smoking, fruits, etc... Came up with some the family and friends really like so I bottled them up safely and going to hand them out to more friends etc...

There's also a HOT garlic that I don't have a pic of too.


It's a really fun process I really like doing it and experimenting with different peppers and such.

PS anyone wanna trade a bottle for some fresh pods? hehhe
I agree with Karl - cool label. I love the use of the dial to show heat level. Ingenious. Love to see the recipe - or parts of it if it's secret. I'll be trying to do some of my own hot sauces soon, and am trying to get a feel for it from others recipes.
Great label and you have some really good colors going on there. Very nice looking sauces and I have to agree with Andy, I like the use of the gage to show heat level. Is this you first shot at making sauces or somethng you've be at for a while?