
Well its late September, we have just had our first frost, of course we brought our plants in, but thus far only our El Jefe's, and Serrano del sol's, and one Habanero actually produced fruit none of the Bhut Jolokias nor the Carribean Red produced fruit..... :rolleyes: Next year I am going to try Hydro. ..............Dang it!
Well that sux pepper belly.
I transplanted a mature Red Caribbean in the garden(from hydro) on the first week of June and on the first week of July I had ripe pods!
Right now my hydro project is in full gear.I got white bullet,Naga,Orange hab,peach hab,alma paprika,paprika,giant thai, bell pepper,Merida market pepper and a few tomato plants.
I should get white bullet,Naga and Orange hab ripe pods within a month :rolleyes:
I planted late because something ate my origional plants..I put up chain link fence re planted...mind you this is my first garden and even though planted late im on my second harvest...dont get me wrong the weather network is my best friend right now.....outa 53 plants ive seen none behave the same.... some rocket and some just lay back....to explain that I dunno like I said my first garden
Canuk Pepperhead said:
some rocket and some just lay back....to explain that I dunno

Now you know what it's like cheering for the Blue and White...Sundin on one side, Antropov on the other...

you just look and go 'what the ****' ....
chilliman64 said:
how many Bhuts and Carib Reds did you plant PepperBelly? did you have an abnormally short season or get started a little late?

We started from seed on the 25 of Febuary we have 4 Bhut Jolokia plants and 4 Caribean Red. Those were planted the same time as our other plants under the same conditions and they thrived.
habman said:
Well that sux pepper belly.
I transplanted a mature Red Caribbean in the garden(from hydro) on the first week of June and on the first week of July I had ripe pods!
Right now my hydro project is in full gear.I got white bullet,Naga,Orange hab,peach hab,alma paprika,paprika,giant thai, bell pepper,Merida market pepper and a few tomato plants.
I should get white bullet,Naga and Orange hab ripe pods within a month :)

I'm happy for you but in a jealous sort of way.:P:fireball: