Went on a 2 week business trip... Wife killed ALL my plants

Sad news today when I came home...

My wife destroyed all 12 of my pepper plants. I came home early this morning to see that they all had died. I believe she overwatered and killed them. I'm really bummed out about it, kinda killed my motivation. What makes it worse is that my wife was cleaning the house in April and threw out my seed box(to be fair, it was just a cardboard box not labelled).

I feel absolutely destroyed. I feel like I can't even recover without spending my savings account to buy up a ton of seeds, or even live plants.

What should I do guys? What CAN I do?

Is there any hope to maybe get some seeds and start or is it too late? Anyone know of any bulk seed deals?
They were each a different type, guess I should have clarified.

Is there any chance I could get fruit by October or would it be too cold by then?
If you really have a strong desire to get pepper plants take a trip to a few nearby garden centers/Lowe's or even HD & they may have some
pepper plants  as many places are starting to sell out their stock...including hot peppers..it may not be what you want but at least you will
have a few hot peppers to munch on...I see a lot of nurseries near me are doing 1/2 off sale.Its too late to start seeds in your area.
You may "TRY"  & see if you can salvage a few..let them dry out & see what happens.
It "appears" that your wife is getting blamed for 1)  you not labeling you seeds..2) you not leaving  her with proper  written instructions . :shame:
Good luck ...give your wife  a hug...& tell her you are to be blamed not her :!:
I'm sorry you lost all your plants. Since it's already mid-July, you might consider just buying boxes of fresh peppers this year. I believe Sicman has some for sale on his site right now: https://www.sicmanshotpeppersandpowders.com/home.html
Also, you don't have to break the bank just to buy some seeds. Justin has very reasonable prices on his site, and his seed stock is quite good: https://www.whitehotpeppers.com/collections/all-pepper-seeds
In the future, you might consider putting your plants on a drip system with a timer for when you are away. Just a suggestion.
Chalk it up to experience.   If it's too late to plant seed it's just too late that's all.   Find a specialty market around your locale and pick up some nice market peps  Or, maybe a member in your area can help you out..  
Thank Heavens there's a next season.  :tear:  
Sorry to hear that happened, here is what you need to do:
1) It is sad, but she didn't kill your dog, you'll be able to grow peppers again next season. So get over it and tell your wife it is OK and really mean it. Seriously. You might be upset with me today for saying that and it will be difficult to do, but I promise it is good advice. 
2) If you really want plants this season you may be able to buy plants from a local nursery. If not, check out a farmers market for plants (or pods if all else fails).
3) If you can't find 'em locally, check online for live plants or buy an SFRB of fresh peppers, you could even harvest some seeds for next season.
4) If money is a concern take up tctenten on the offer,  or AJ's marketplace offer. Heck I'll even send you some seeds, but seriously, Step 1.
The Hot Pepper said:
Shit happens. Maybe next time you go away for 2 weeks hire a gardener so you won't throw your wife under the bus publicly. 
wiriwiri said:
If you really have a strong desire to get pepper plants take a trip to a few nearby garden centers/Lowe's or even HD & they may have some
pepper plants  as many places are starting to sell out their stock...including hot peppers..it may not be what you want but at least you will
have a few hot peppers to munch on...I see a lot of nurseries near me are doing 1/2 off sale.Its too late to start seeds in your area.
You may "TRY"  & see if you can salvage a few..let them dry out & see what happens.
It "appears" that your wife is getting blamed for 1)  you not labeling you seeds..2) you not leaving  her with proper  written instructions . :shame:
Good luck ...give your wife  a hug...& tell her you are to be blamed not her :!:
You folks sure are forgiving!!  My first response to the OP was to find a link for these ppl:
http://cordellcordell.com/   :P
get some starts and then start planning on how to extend your growing season into the fall or keep the plants in containers that can be moved to an indoor location for further growing until the pods are ripe.  But at some point, you just gotta call it and write it off. 
Good luck?
Couple years ago I was away.  Wife took great care of peppers in the basement under grow lights.  She filled water buckets from the kitchen sink.  Thing is, she never watered the ones in the window above the sink.  How in the heck?  To water the ones in the basement she had to stand in front of the ones she ignored.
+1 on Jim Duffy. I got a late start this year, and bought in some of his larger plants. Try will probably flower within the next month, which would get peppers in October for you. At least you still have the soil and the pots.