event West Dean Chilli Fiesta, UK, 8/9 Aug

Is anybody going to this?

Taken from a website..

The chilli festival will take place on the 8 and 9th of August 2009 at West Dean Gardens. Food, Music and over 250 chili peppers are awaiting your visit. Don't miss it.

West Dean Gardens are situated in the South of England, 6 miles from the historic city of Chichester. It is worth the trip just to see the beauty of the 6,000-acre estate. The Gardens organise several events every year, undoubtedly the most famous is the chilli fiesta, a cult event which is now in its 15th year.
What to Expect at the Chilli Fiesta:

People come from all over to see the permanent display of over 280 kind of Chillies plants grown in beautiful Victorian glass houses. So many plants make for a dazzling display of shapes and colors.

The chilli festival or Chilli fiesta to give it its real name is also a fun day out. The gardens fill up with a myriad of exhibitors offering every thing chilli related. Food of course: sizzling snacks such a hot sausages, chilli sauces, chutneys and jellies but also more unusual products such as chilli ice cream, chilli chocolate and even chilli fruit juices and beers.

Needing less to say that after a few tastings your taste-buds are blown to smitten. to add to the joviality, there are Latin rhythms, salsa dancing. There is also a paraphernalia of other things to see, all sorts of objects in chilli shape from bracelets to hats and shoes, clocks and apron and much more.

Going around the festival is truly informative, there are guided tours of the walled gardens, chilli growing demonstrations, short seminars where you learn that the hottest chilli in the world is not grown in India or even in the Caribbean but in.......Dorset (England).
There's a good chance I'll be heading over Wurge! Just fancy going down to meet a few of my suppliers and hopefully get my head blown off by their latest creations which I'm sure will be awesome, let's just hope the weather is good.
