seeds Wet Paper Towel Method for Germinating

I made a video showing how I start my seeds. I know there are a bunch of different ways to do this, but video shows how my version has evolved. It seems to work well for me now with the number of plants I'm growing. Not trying to advocate it as a better method than any other though.
I've been getting much higher germination rates with the wet paper towel method. I put the baggies of them on my basement floor with in floor heating, and they germinate almost twice as fast as just out in ambient temperature.
Yup, another vote for the paper towel method.
Incidentally, I tried to mod it by using blobs of cotton wool... THAT DID NOT WORK.
Have reverted to using kitchen towels and it's all good now.
I  too like the paper towel method,I get better germination rates and I even did some wilds that way,for a trial and it worked,,,and you know the saying,stick with whatever works.
Thanks Peter for taking time to post the is very helpful.