What a diffrence.

Can you guess which peppers were grown in pots and which was grown in the ground ? The ones grown In The ground are taking longer to ripen though only 2 so far.


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interesting. are they the same plants? how many plants are in the ground? how many are in pots? they all came from the same source? what type of peppers are they? do the plants in the ground have as many pods as the ones in the pots? i have plants growing both ways but they are different types so i can't compare my results. i never noticed a different sized pod determined by pot versus ground plantings.   
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
interesting. are they the same plants? how many plants are in the ground? how many are in pots? they all came from the same source? what type of peppers are they? do the plants in the ground have as many pods as the ones in the pots? i have plants growing both ways but they are different types so i can't compare my results. i never noticed a different sized pod determined by pot versus ground plantings.   
All Brizian Starfish planted at the same day 4 in pots 1 in ground all watered the same . The 1 inground has just as many pods as the ones in pots. Only diffrence is the one inground doesn't get as much Sunlight as the pots .All came from the same seed source .
ok. i have 3 serrano plants, all in pots in the same location and each gave different results.1 reached 2.5 feet tall, 1 reached 3.5 feet tall and 1 reached nearly 4.5 feet tall with the tall one putting out double the pods of the other 2. same potting mix, fertilizer and watering. no reason why they grew different but they did. you must have some really good soil in the ground. :cheers: