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What age is too young for hot peppers?

I had a teacher in third grade that tried the "tobasco sauce-for-potty-mouth" thing.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was probably when I developed my flare for the English language.

I looooved to chug that stuff. After a few months she switched to soap. :(
:lol: bummer that you got switched to soap, Scovie~~~

When the 'Kid was in 5th grade and in 6th grade, we did a SalsaDay. I brought in cutting boards, knives, jalapenos, veggies, (and habaneros for the 6th grade)....

The kids cut up the veggies, mixed everything up, used the recipes...and the kids sent me a "thank you" card with comments like "I didn't used to like salsa but now I do like salsa"..."I've never eaten anything hot before, but the salsa was good"...

Every kid went home with a paper with both recipes. A year later, I heard that one kid was wanting to take the black bean salsa to their family Christmas gathering, and the kid was really upset that they couldn't find the recipe that he'd gotten twice!!!!

When we did the salsa for the 6th grade, we did the extra-spicy little bowl. When we did this, it was still the winter, and there was snow banks outside the classroom doors. So the kids (mostly the boys) tried the super-spicy habanero salsa, and then they ran out the door and were shoving ice balls in their faces.....

and then they came back for more salsa......
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JHR and BenVanned, right on.

It's so subjective. And really, since most of us here on THP probably have bottles of sauce hanging out in the fridge, and what's to stop the young'un from grabbing one of those bottles and taking a big ol' swig????
education, if you teach your children what it is that they don't want to get into, and educate them as to why. It will greatly reduce the chance of them getting into it. still going to keep the pure evil on a top shelf lol
Love it Ann!

I make pepper vinegar using my crop. I usually use a mix of Thais and Jalapenos and a super or 2 for the average joe. My Uncle likes hot stuff, so I put a half dropper of Pure evil in there for him. He called it baby stuff.

2 weeks later, I bring him a batch loaded with fataliis, thais, and douglahs, as well as 2.5 droppers of pure evil.

That wasn't baby stuff.
:lol: JHR

It's seeming like there are those who are chileheads....and eat everything hotter than Tabasco..and those to which Tabasco is the hottest thing ever.

Having a hot sauce/chile/whatever in the house is no greater risk or issue than having something like a really sharp knife, bleach, or any other of numerous systemic chemicals that are used around the house.
This is a country of many cultures and in many of these spicy foods and seasonings are an everyday part of life. So as long as it is legal to grow and eat them each of us including our children with proper supervision should have the right to choose how hot or spicy or not we eat, like or dislike.
My 12 year old has been my pepper and hot sauce buddy for years. He has hot sauce packets he takes to school in his lunches and he loads up every sandwich with every Jalapeno he can find. He no longer finds them hot at all, just enjoys the flavor.

We make interesting discoveries together like using fruity orange habs on a basil/tomato pizza is a bad combination and hot salsas bought at the store are never as satisfying or hot as the ones made at home.
My nephew was a toddler, we were having hot wings at my grams, and someone (this was back before we made our own sauces) left a bottle of tabasco with the lid off, on an end table in the livingroom... i forget the occasion, it was before my gram passed, so it was probably just an excuse to spend more time with her... any how, we were watching tv, eating hot wings, and all of a sudden someone see's something out of the corner of their eye, and realizes my nephew had grabbed the open bottle of tabasco and was sucking it down.

he handled it like a champ - both the bottle being taken away, and the resulting burn. no crying, and didn't seem to have any trouble the following day either (i was told).

Now he's 4, and his grandma spoils him rotten... he is afraid of hot peppers. He'll eat jalapenos though, if i just pinch a little off the bottom... But if his grandma is around and suggests it might be too hot, he cries and wants nothing to do with the pepper.
My nephew was a toddler, we were having hot wings at my grams, and someone (this was back before we made our own sauces) left a bottle of tabasco with the lid off, on an end table in the livingroom... i forget the occasion, it was before my gram passed, so it was probably just an excuse to spend more time with her... any how, we were watching tv, eating hot wings, and all of a sudden someone see's something out of the corner of their eye, and realizes my nephew had grabbed the open bottle of tabasco and was sucking it down.

he handled it like a champ - both the bottle being taken away, and the resulting burn. no crying, and didn't seem to have any trouble the following day either (i was told).

Now he's 4, and his grandma spoils him rotten... he is afraid of hot peppers. He'll eat jalapenos though, if i just pinch a little off the bottom... But if his grandma is around and suggests it might be too hot, he cries and wants nothing to do with the pepper.

this just shows how impressionable kids can be. It really sucks that his G-ma is limiting his pallet that way. yea most kids if you strike fear in them that something is hot they will reject it due to fear, but if you encourage them i find (at least with my kids) they keep an open mind and give it a more honest shot.
My 7 year old used to sit and eat hot stuff with me when she was probably 1 1/2 or so. Now she wants no parts of it(thanks to my ex). My 2 year old always wants whatever I am eating. I was convinced toddlers taste buds just weren't developed fully. Until yesterday the girls were eating Mac n cheese. I was starving so I had a bowl drenched in sriratcha. She said is there hot sauce on that. I want some. I started with just a noodle at a time make sure she would be ok. So she sat and ate it with me. Her eyes were watering like a mother $&@? She kept eating and kept eating. I know she was feelin it but she kept saying its not that hot. So I guess I would say as long as it is your child, and you're comfortable with it, as long as you're smart about it, and they know what they're in for, any age is ok.
My entire life.Age 5 or so. My mom used to make hot tamales and I'd dump hot sauce on top. Same age I started with chili powder on scrambled eggs.
My first fresh Jalapeno was when I was a cub scout. I grew them from then on. Mom grew bell peppers, carrots, materz, onions etc etc. so there wan't much too it. Just another little row.
I think if a kid no matter what age whats to try eating something hot let them at worse you have a crying kid, but they'll get over it and they'll either grow up liking spicy foods or not.
Back in the early 50's my dad was a Blaster at the Ray copper mind in Arizona I was about 3 or 4 at the time my dad always had a bottle of pickled chiltepins on the table and would eat them by the spoonfulls. there was five kids and we were never told not to eat the peppers I loved the spicy vinegar and would beg my dad to pour some on my food. The peppers were another thing and I would often set crying at the table after eating a hot pepper. Both I and my brother are pepper lovers while the girls in the family are not, I guess its a matter of taste. My dad would often go out into the hills to hut and pick wild peppers, up till the day he died he alway had a small jar of hot peppers with him. I'm the same way and I let my grand daughters eat as many hot peppers as they want despite what my wife says, a few tears and a red face never killed anyone, but I always make sure they wash their hands good after eating them that way they won't get it in their eyes.
George W.
Old enough to learn? Old enough to burn.
Old enough to inquire? Old enough for the fire.

Seriously tho, all kids have different tastes (except they ALL love chicken nuggets and mac and cheese). My woman's kid can't barely handle black pepper without telling us it's too hot, while my brothers kid will eat ANYTHING you put in front of him. He took down a few habs last week, we're debating on setting a butch T in front of him (he's 12) and seeing what happens.

Really though, the true age limit is simple... Are they old enough to understand that it's going to be hot, and WHY their mouth will feel like it's burning? If so, they're old enough to try a pepper (but probably not a super hot). If the kid wants it, (s)he knows what it is, and is old enough to understand what is going on in their mouth and throat after they eat it, go for it!
When my daughter was about 18 months old she would keep taking the Chicken pieces out of my Chicken Madras, pulling a face, and then coming back for more!
About a year later I was slicing up a Naga for my Pizza when she grabbed a slice and ate it before I could stop her. She cried for 20 minutes.
At the moment (she is now 6) she still remembers that time and avoids anything spicy.
I think that as long as they are old enough to understand what it is and how to make it better then that is the age to start.
I now have an uphill struggle to get her to eat normal foods, because she was too young to understand that I was trying to feed her ice cream to make the pain stop.
All she could understand was the pain, and would not listen to me at all.
Perhaps another question should be: "When my kid asks about drinking alcohol, how much of a Trinidad Scorpion do I put in the beer I offer him/her to try it out when they ask?"

Welp. I had to come post here. A few minutes ago, we came up the steps and my son.. 23 months old reached over and grabbed a pod from my Ornamental Loco plant and said "Berry" (They look like Berry's) after a few No Nos and telling him to put it down and he not listening because he is going through terrible twos we said... alright, you know what.. eat it. They are only Approximately 25K ScU but that is too hot for the average joe. He bit the pod and all he said was Yuck, and he tried to wipe his tongue off and was doing the inward blow. No screaming, no tears, didn't even carry on. Like a boss.