What am I getting myself into????

SmokenFire said:
We take a lot of walks and every seed that I've lost track of and/or have too many of gets surreptitiously planted along the way.  Each year I manage to harvest a few oddball peppers, tomatoes, squash, corn, beans, etc - and it's not just me!  Others who frequent our walking paths/parks have noticed and taken a few here and there and more power to em I say!  There's so much area all around that could be growing good organic food....
Yes! Guerilla gardening. I had some rogue kale planted this fall where I run sometimes.
Nope, not nuts.  I am a second year grower and have about the same as you going now.  My problem though is that I started the first week of January, and now I got me a bunch of plants about to or are already touching the racks above them in the greenhouse.  I will not even be able to put them into the garage until mid April at the earliest.  Welcome to the addiction.
obchili said:
Nope, not nuts.  I am a second year grower and have about the same as you going now.  My problem though is that I started the first week of January, and now I got me a bunch of plants about to or are already touching the racks above them in the greenhouse.  I will not even be able to put them into the garage until mid April at the earliest.  Welcome to the addiction.
Lol...I'm already thinking about clearing a closet
seems like an addiction to me ;)
I have room for perhaps 6 or 7 full grown plants - only room for 2 indoors. For some reason I have at least 30 or 40 seedlings.
One monster is already about 18 inch tall (sowed mid Jan) and being pruned so it doesn't actually touch the lights. I can just about cope whilst the plants are small, lord knows where they're going when they grow :)
I forsee a lot of bonsai chillis.

My next job is to sort out an auto watering bonsai pot - my best mate loves chillis but is a dab hand at killing anything (either by overwatering or just plain forgetting to water at all).
ronaldo_fanbelt said:
I guess it is pretty normal to go way overboard with this pepper thing. I'm set up for about 40 plants and I think I'm going to end up with about 80. Most of them have to go find a temporary home.
I cleared out from about 100 plants ( Most only small 3 feet and some large ) down to about 50 and approx. 20 varieties .. Now I have another 30 or so varieties and have about 300 seedlings cooking atm... and about to put in 5 more varieties... Bah.. I'm such an addict, I don't even need them but I want to own them ... Just because.... And I like the different colours... Just because I can.... So I do..... lol.. I need to learnt to be rational...
In my defence I plan to really cut down my crop to 1 of each variety and then 6-10 of each cross for pheno selection and Stabilising purposes..  So I hope to get it down to .... Yeah 100 plants again .... Errrmmyyyghhhhhhhhh
I need to cut some plants lol
I tend to get obsessed with all of my hobbies, but gardening, especially peopers has really got a grip on me. My wife just said the other day, "that out of all my hobbies this one is her favorite, because it gives so much back". Fortunately, we'll have enough room outside that if I need to make the garden bigger, I can.
Terravexti said:
yhea.....your, screwed.
LOL...Kinda figured
KrakenPeppers said:
I cleared out from about 100 plants ( Most only small 3 feet and some large ) down to about 50 and approx. 20 varieties .. Now I have another 30 or so varieties and have about 300 seedlings cooking atm... and about to put in 5 more varieties... Bah.. I'm such an addict, I don't even need them but I want to own them ... Just because.... And I like the different colours... Just because I can.... So I do..... lol.. I need to learnt to be rational...
In my defence I plan to really cut down my crop to 1 of each variety and then 6-10 of each cross for pheno selection and Stabilising purposes..  So I hope to get it down to .... Yeah 100 plants again .... Errrmmyyyghhhhhhhhh
I need to cut some plants lol
Good Luck with that!
LOL  -- this is so familiar.
First year I started with 5 plants. Next year was 20 a few years later (only due to no more room) I'm at 75 or so plants in 60 or so varieties.
If I had room I'd have well over 200 plants to get everything I want!