What are some very fast growing peppers?

Slinter said:
Just wondering what are some of the fastest growing peppers? Also, how fast do they grown?


Are you asking about early season peppers? Sweet or hot?

Most of the cayennes and jalapeños are early season, Melrose and Nardello are pretty early season, too. I know some of the hot wax/banana-types are. The Liimon chile that we're talking about in another thread is early for me.

Can you be more specific about what you're looking for?
Most C. annuums grow quick. My first to fruit this year are orange Thai, Fresno, Jaloro, Purple Jalapeno, Chimayo, and Jimmy Nardello as well as several ornamental varieties.
Thanks for the answers guys. I think I found a great quick growing pepper to go along with the piquins. The pepper I found was Ring of Fire? Anyone heard of it? Supposed to be very hot, and fruit in 60 days.
I know that your question is pretty much resolved, but just wanted to add that I have had very good luck with NepaliOrange and one called BirdPurple. Don't know if these are the real names, just the names the trader gave to me. Can post pics if you like, planted April 1 and they are both about 18 inches tall. Neat looking plants too.
I am open to any info on any of the fast growing guys. And pictures are always welcomed! Who doesnt like pictures?
imaguitargod said:
The Ring of Fire is a cayenne. They gorw decently fast and are very proflic!

How is the heat/flavor of the ring of fire? It is supposed to be real hot as i have read?
Okay since you want pics, here are the three that grew the best for me. Even better if someone can help me identify 2 of them we can kill 2 birds with one stone as I don't know what exactly 2 of them are. I seeded all of these April 1st and they have gotten huge by my growing standards for only 8 weeks.

Nepali Orange

Bulgarian Spicey (incorrect name I think)

Pruple Bird (Also incorrect name I think)
Slinter said:
How is the heat/flavor of the ring of fire? It is supposed to be real hot as i have read?
Ya, those suckers are hot. I ate one and my eyes watered a bit (which is saying alot). The taste is that of the usual cayenne.

Slinter said:
I am open to any info on any of the fast growing guys. And pictures are always welcomed! Who doesnt like pictures?
This is the piquins last year (which was their first year, this year I'm going for the world record for tallest pepper plant...and it's looking like I'll get there. A new pic of them will be coming this weekend)
Man that is impressive!! BRAVO!! What I wouldn't give to have some weather like that. Here in Iowa we have something called winter that kills all of my babies off. HaHa.
gardenkiller said:
Man that is impressive!! BRAVO!! What I wouldn't give to have some weather like that. Here in Iowa we have something called winter that kills all of my babies off. HaHa.
LOL, thank you. Ya, this winter they just slowed down their growth (actually, that was taken in Novemeber 2006).