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pests What are these pests and how do I get rid of them?

I had them really bad last winter. I tried using organic sprays but it burnt the leaves. My best luck and most fun to watch was I ordered some ladybugs, put a pac-n-play insect net around the plants, and unleashed them. It took only about three days to get completely rid of all the aphids. However after a week or so the lady bugs found out how to get around the insect net so I had a few ladybugs here there throughout my house.

Oh wow! I think an insect net for outside would work well. I'm too worried they will fly off but that might be the solution!
I've got a small scale infestation myself. I've been manually removing and crushing them whenever I can find them, but I have been considering a more effective solution. Anyone try mantises? I think they work similarly to the lady bugs with the added bonus that they cant fly away.
Yeah I'm using a similar spray too. Those ladybugs betrayed me! I'm going to give them another chance when I plant them at the garden I share. I cannot use sprays there since there are honey bees for our honey there. What a nightmare! I also have slugs eating up everything. I've been using beer but there are just too many of the slugs.
Sluggo or some other iron based slug bait...I have literally THOUSANDS (sounds like popcorn underfoot) of slugs and snails and there has been no damage since using it!
Just FYI I released 2 groups of about 1000 ladybugs each throughout my garden and even built them a ladybug house to try to get them to hang around...They did for a bit and they worked diligently trying to rid the garden of the little pests, there were just so many aphids on so many plants that they could never keep up...they eventually thinned out and moved on. I had a few lay eggs and colonize a couple areas of the garden pretty well which did eventually reach a steady state as far as the aphids go. However the only thing that was truly effective at controlling them on a garden wide scale was spraying. I tried Neem (semi-effective and organic) which worked well to get their numbers down, but they seemed to develop a toBlerance after a while and eventually they would bath in it and go on about munching on my plants, I stepped up to Bug-B-Gone...again effective at first then not so much. Neither option ever got them all. I meticulously hand sprayed every leaf in the garden (about 120 pepper plants plus ??? Non peppers) but still they came back. The Bonide I sprayed day before yesterday comes at the recommendation of several big-time growers on here. I did a thorough inspection this morning and found exactly 0 aphids for the first time since January...it can be used up to the day before harvest so its not too harsh and it also works on fungal diseases. Buy a 1 or 2 gallon pump sprayer with a wand and spraying is a breeze.

Can you be tell us exactly which Bonide that you were using. Pictures would be great. Thhanks