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What are they?

Ok so I have a couple plants that I am not sure what they are since my dad planted them without me knowing so im not sure whats what. Can anyone tell what these may be by looking at them?

Thanks for the help.

and then these ones
the first ones look like some kind of chinense...the second ones look like an annuum to me...

the first one has slug damage on the leaves...thats what the holes are..
I guess you will have to wait for pods to develope to get a better idea of what they are. I myself have plants growing that i beleive to be yellow scotch bonnet but i wont know for sure untill they have fruit.
Well its hard to remember what all was planted. See my source that I did get some seeds from screwed me over and Im not sure if I got anything from them I had asked for. For instance I know I asked for Tepin and Orange Hab and I got two things totally different. I also believe that the other half or the plants not pictured above (that are bell peppers) were also from the same source. All of these plants were supposed to be hot. I did not ask for any Bells but I got them. The source was not fromt this forum so thats good.

Anyway I think I may have planted (or was told thats what the seeds were) some habs, maybe scotch bonnets not sure what else? Perhaps I will have to look at my empty seed bags and see if I can narrow it down.

I just know that a lot of plants/trees can be identified just by the leaves alone and I thought the leaves on these one were unique enough that it was worth a try. :D
Nope not Cayenne I already have Cayenne in my g/f's garden and Joes in another garden far from these plants.
can't you ask your dad what he planted? just by the leaves, the top one looks like my white hab and the 2nd one looks like my naga jolokia SC1. Is that a pepper I see on the 2nd pic closer to the right? Because that also looks like the SC1 if it's not a leaf that just looks like a pepper.
My dad had no clue what he was doing and just decided he was doing me a favor by throwing them in the ground.

UPDATE: I look closer at he hab looking plant (the one where you can see my feet in the pic) and I found some nice looking pods hiding and they look "hab-ish" perhaps I will take a pic this coming weekend. So now it is only the plant with the long pointed leaves in question.

UPDATE2: I was just remembering that I created a drawing for all of my plants including the ones planted in the back. From what I can tell based on my drawing and the peppers that ended up being bell peppers, I think the ones with the long pointed leaves may be a Naga Jolokia. Now my next question is how to tell if its the PC1 that people seem to not like so much? As stated above the other plants by process of elimination are either Red Carib Hab or Orange Hab.