What are you planning to grow next year?

Capsicum Annuum's
Jamaican Red Mushroom
Capsicum Chinense's
​Papa Dreadie Select
​Capsicum Baccatum
Brazilian Starfish(for mom)
​On a side project my Unknown Trinidad Scotch Bonnet X Unknown Trinidad 7 Pot may have crossed with the papa dreadie select next to it & vice versa
​So I will save a few seeds form each

Bhut Jolokia, Peach WM
Bhut Jolokia, White W Strain
Brainstrain, Yellow
Purple Viper Naga
Chinense (non-Superhot)
Aji Rosita Red
Bhut Jolokia, Purple
CGN21500 x 7 pot Barrackpore
Fatalii, Black
Fidalgo Roxa
Golden Bullet
Mako Kokoo
Paper Lantern Hab
PDN x Douglah 2.3 
Pimenta de Neyde
Scorpion, Peach (THSC)
Scorpion, Butch T Yellow
Scotch Bonnet, Peach
7 Pot, BBG7 Orange
7 Pot, Pink
Antep Aci Dolma
Black Scorpion Tongue
Cayenne, Lilac
Chilhuacle Negro
Chinese 5 Color
Elephant’s Ear
Pumpkin Cili
Thai, Large Orange
Aji Fantasy
Aji Habanero
Aji Limon
Brazilian Starfish
Sugar Rush Peach
Rocoto, Brown
Tepin x Lemon Drop F4
A couple of my own crosses
Just a preliminary list, but this is what I have in mind for 2018 at the moment. 
I´m a fickle guy, and i´m still trying to narrow things down.  Despite all of my lists and maps of the garden that i´ve drawn, labeled with what i intend to grow in each sector, it seems likely that i´ll change my mind at least 50 times before I actually start seeds....  but I will certainly be growing the following:
-7Pot Brainstrains (reds & yellows)
-7pot Primo Red
-Safi Red
-Naga Brains (Red, Yellow, and Windchicken´s intriguing Forbing Naga version.)
-Some sort(s) of Yellow Scotch Bonnets.  I planted several varieties this year; I´ll likely choose based on how i feel about each one at the end of the season.  Front-runners include PDreadies and TFMs.
-Jalopeños (I plan to hold a face-off between Zapotecs and Vaqueros; whichever one ¨wins¨ in terms of flavor and production will be grown in 2019, but face a new ¨challenger¨
-Yellow Fatalii
-I want to step up the low-heat and/or heatless Habs/seasoning chinense next year, and try to grow them right.  I wanna grow at least 6 different types, try to get a better sense of it all.
I´ve got a pretty big seed library right now; definitely too big.  My wife and I are trying to devise a new lay-out for the yard, and we´re hoping to lay the groundwork in the Fall, so a lot of my plans will hinge on just what we end up with, in terms of garden-space. But, no doubt I´ll be growing a variety of Hab-ish things, Scotchbrains, some other 7s, Yellow Bhuts, probably Naga Morich again (i haven´t gotten a ripe one yet, but gottDANG, there are a lot of cool-looking pods hanging on the plants....)
So, we´ll see how it goes.
BlackFatalii said:
Bhut Jolokia, Peach WM
Bhut Jolokia, White W Strain
Brainstrain, Yellow
Purple Viper Naga
Chinense (non-Superhot)
Aji Rosita Red
Bhut Jolokia, Purple
CGN21500 x 7 pot Barrackpore
Fatalii, Black
Fidalgo Roxa
Golden Bullet
Mako Kokoo
Paper Lantern Hab
PDN x Douglah 2.3 
Pimenta de Neyde
Scorpion, Peach (THSC)
Scorpion, Butch T Yellow
Scotch Bonnet, Peach
7 Pot, BBG7 Orange
7 Pot, Pink
Antep Aci Dolma
Black Scorpion Tongue
Cayenne, Lilac
Chilhuacle Negro
Chinese 5 Color
Elephants Ear
Pumpkin Cili
Thai, Large Orange
Aji Fantasy
Aji Habanero
Aji Limon
Brazilian Starfish
Sugar Rush Peach
Rocoto, Brown
Tepin x Lemon Drop F4
A couple of my own crosses
Just a preliminary list, but this is what I have in mind for 2018 at the moment. 

I would love to see how that Tepin/lemon drop comes out keep us posted.
Would love to give the Mistery Wine Pepper a try. Not sure how to obtain seeds though...
I'm going to have a "Primo season", with many of Troy's creations!
- 7 pot Primo
- Orange Primo
- Big Yellow Mama
- Big Mustard Mama
- Big Black Mama (if Troy releases it)

Also curious about trying BTR, Apocalypse Scorpion and White Bhut Jolokia JW!

List will be completed by mild and sweet Chinenses/Annuums :)