What can I do?? lost.

Hello everyone! So this is technically my 2nd season growing, however this season ive learned a lot more and have actually made some awesome friends here along the way.  I have a small problem that I cannot figure out at all.  I currently have some reapers, ghost, butch t's and some black pearls.  All my plants are in pots with FFOF and I follow the fox farms feeding schedule.  My plants are super healthy and huge, however its droppign all its flowers.  Nothing is really setting for the amount of flwoers its getting.  My black perals are setting like crazy, but my nothign else is..   I know there are 8 possible causes and ive ran through every single one of them..
1. its not too hot ( ilive in southern cali)
2.Its not too cold, see above
3. They get planty of light, they are under 4 T5 bulbs, 2 white and 2 red to promote flowering.
4. I flush my plants every 3-4 weeks with sledgehammer, so they are not over nout.
5. Lack of pollinating insects.. well, i have a very small eco system.  I however make sure i hit all these flwoers with a gillete vibrating razor, so they pollinate.  Yes, i do this by hand to the branches that have flwers..
 6. Wind, air... they are outside on my balcony, i dont know if this is where i am goingwrong.. they get some wind but not all the time.... this however contributes to pollination.. and I make sure that I pollinate by hand.
Plase help.. I gave a plant to my sisters friend and they have a ton of peppers..  however my plant has a ton of flowers.. but no peppers.  The flowers just seem to shrivel up turn yellow and fall off after a while.  No clune what it is.. Here are some pics...
FF feeding schedule, if I had to guess. It's more than likely set for cannabis, and at 2.5-3.0 EC, that's purty high, even for "dank flowers". Assuming you're at feed-water-feed-water? Sledge is to remove excess salts, a factor compounded by high-feed, and won't help avoid overfertilization issues.
Thanks for the response man, no one seems to know or not care to input anything lol.  i use 1/3 of the recommended dosageon a 5 gal bucket.  There have been no signs or nout burn at all.  And i fertilize or "feed every other week to avoid any type overfeeding.  I mean my plants are super healthy, i just dont know what might be trigerring the dropped flowers.. they dont seem to be pollinating or something.
Ah, yeah it's probably not overfert than. They didn't look like it, but your first post did say "I follow the FF sched", so I assumed high EC, feed-water-feed-water.
Ruthlessly cross examine the friend on what they're doing? Just spit ballin' and post bumpin', I've never run FF or the soil mix. It's still early in the day, I'm sure geeme or some experiencio such will be by soon enough.
miguelovic said:
Ah, yeah it's probably not overfert than. They didn't look like it, but your first post did say "I follow the FF sched", so I assumed high EC, feed-water-feed-water.
Ruthlessly cross examine the friend on what they're doing? Just spit ballin' and post bumpin', I've never run FF or the soil mix. It's still early in the day, I'm sure geeme or some experiencio such will be by soon enough.
Tis true.. i am sure the will.  I said I followed the schedule to give an idea of what ferts i am using.. Spitballin and post bumpin it what its all about my friend!!! I wouldnt have learned so much if it was not for that. cheers.
Those plants still look fairly small, they may just not be ready to set pods yet.
If this is their first blooming and they have not set pods before..they may still just be figuring out what to do.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F or too high >85F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F or too high >85F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
willard3 said:
Flower drop probable causes: 1. Day temp too high >95F 2. Night temp too low <65F or too high >85F 3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer 4. Too much water 5. Low light levels (reduces fertility). 6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility) 7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination). 8. Lack of pollinating insects. 9. Size of pot 10. Too much mineral in feedwater. 11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
Flower drop probable causes: 1. Day temp too high >95F 2. Night temp too low <65F or too high >85F 3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer 4. Too much water 5. Low light levels (reduces fertility). 6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility) 7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination). 8. Lack of pollinating insects. 9. Size of pot 10. Too much mineral in feedwater. 11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
if you read above you can se that i gave an explination for all these.. I am aware of the issues to flower drop.. but ive mitigated each one of these... Thanks though.
nzchili said:
Those plants still look fairly small, they may just not be ready to set pods yet.
If this is their first blooming and they have not set pods before..they may still just be figuring out what to do.
I dont think they are that small.. the light fixture is set at about 3 feet tall.. and most of these plants are too big to go under the T5... the largest one os taller than 3 feet.. and that one is a reaper. 