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What causes brown etching on the outer skin?

I've noticed especially on my Devils Tongue peppers, there are brown etchings almost like a spider web or something on them. I thought it was dirt but clearly its like a stretch mark. Is it from lack of watering?
A picture or two would help to give a more accurate diagnosis, but it sounds like it could be one of three things:
  1. Corking: this is a genetic trait of the plant and it does not adversely affect the pepper in any way.  In fact, some people prefer peppers with corking over regular peppers.
  2. Overwatering: as the individual cells of the plant grow, they absorb water.  If there is a period of time in which they receive a lot of water, some of the cells may burst, causing the wall of the pepper to split a little.  This is almost always completely harmless to the pepper as well.
  3. Blossom End Rot (BER): caused by a lack of calcium in the soil or the plants ability to absorb calcium has been hindered.  BER is literally a rotting spot on the pepper, in some instances it can be a roundish spot or it could be a split, although generally when the split occurs the split goes all the way through the wall of the pod, exposing the inside to the elements.  If you catch BER quick enough, the affected areas can be removed and the rest can be eaten as normal
Hope this helps!
yeah i've been getting them on my chocolate habs when it rains a lot (the strech marks like in tomatoes).

Corking is a different thing that i get on jalapenos and other varieties are specifically bred for it, i don't think devils tongue is.
juanitos said:
yeah i've been getting them on my chocolate habs when it rains a lot (the strech marks like in tomatoes).

Corking is a different thing that i get on jalapenos and other varieties are specifically bred for it, i don't think devils tongue is.
I didn't know if only certain varieties could have corking or not, I have a jalapeno in its second year now that produces pods with fantastic corking!
I'll upload some fresh pics in an hour or so when i get home. Its not the jalapeño sized marks... but its on at least my habs and devils, don't think my ghosts, sweet bells, or tomatoes in the same bed got it.




Also, if anyone has an idea what those Habaneros are, i'd love to know. They were supposed to be "chocolate" habs but pretty sure thats red ;)
I get the same on my habs, its just milding cracking from too much water like Juanitos and sreinhard88 said.
  Many tomatoes do the same.
juanitos said:
yeah you never see people talking about corking on a reaper or 7pod.

when i mean specific varieties are bred for it i was referring to this:
When I saw the thumbnail for the first vid, I thought Nigel had cut his finger something bad.
I've seen corked chocolate jalapenos and a few other sorts, so there is that.