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What country have seeds restriction?

I notice that few countries in the world have seeds restriction my question is how to send to those people seeds to be on safe side when they go true the custom so that goverment of those countries don't repocess the package.
The birthday card is more of a more protective measure in most cases I guess, but can be a very helpful tool when sending seeds to countries with restrictions. Actually, it is probably the best idea out there. My advice would be to always make it look like a letter/card, never send packets or padded envelopes to such countries, because you'll have to state the contents and providing fake info might get the recipient into trouble.
Yep, I've had seeds sent to me before that were not exactly a legal item...... but they were sent in a plastic bag inside a bobble wrap inside an envelope...got to me in just fine.
But I do not understand I send before in buble envelope some people got it when I send to Australia some they have problem with custom realy wird & Italy the same way, I guess they change the rules.
Yes new zealand is the same as Oz..Best to send to Italy in an envelope or card i have had no problems that way :rolleyes:
I just sent some seed to Denmark,used a CD/DVD mailer envelope from Office Depot,threw in a blank CD for good measure.I'll let all know how it turns out,Only 2.50 or so for postage.
scoville said:
I just sent some seed to Denmark,used a CD/DVD mailer envelope from Office Depot,threw in a blank CD for good measure.I'll let all know how it turns out,Only 2.50 or so for postage.

That it good I keep in mine next time I send in those locations.
The only problem is that if you send them disguised as a CD/DVD and they find out, the recipient might get into trouble. I wanna send some seeds to THSC company neyt week and am still trying to figure out what the best way of doing it would be seeing how uch trouble he had lately. Any ideas?
Use a greeting card,tape the seeds to middle of card and but a bit of thin padding inside so the seeds dont get crushed and post ;)
Ya could always eat em and send ya poo in a box. or not. :lol:
I can't seem to send packages to some countries. why's that? is the problem with the postal service here or is it because the package was sent from here? It started as annoying, but now it's just really expensive sending the same thing over and over. :shocked: