What did I do to my Reaper?

Short story plant was kicking butt all healthy - last weekend I sprayed Neem and BT on all my plants , I sprayed at night.  The reaper plant was under shade cloth but did get some direct light.
The next day I came home and it was all wilted like it needed water so I watered it and that evening it looked great again then the next day it rained. That's the back story.   Whats happening now is any time the plant gets in direct sunlight it wilts like it needs water,
But if I keep it out of the sun it perks up. It just doesn't like the Sun anymore it's almost like it is having problems getting water to the branch's and leaves when its in the sun.   Any Idea whats happening? I sprayed close to 60 plants and this is the only one acting this way.
Not sure what it would be -- but had a Jalapeno do the same thing this year ( was looking great then one day just wilted due to the sun - the change in season meant the suns direction had changed and it got more sun than it had been in our 100 degree weather) - so it was badly wilted - watered that evening when I noticed it and it rcovered fine only to repeat the same a day later - Watered and it recovered -- came back next morning and every leaf had fallen off and just had the 20+/- peppers on it and then a few days later branches all dried out. (luckily had a few other plants and it was the only one that did this)
It might be that the shade had been protecting it from direct light so it never hardened off completely and then the change in the direction of the sun due to the season changing is now getting it direct light for longer which it is not ready for (just like moving it from indoors to direct sun without hardening off) but as I say not sure since I lost the one I had that did that within a couple days - and mine did not have any chemical sprayed on it so don't think the Neem is the direct cause.