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What do super hot pepper seeds sell for wholesale?

I hope this is alright to talk about in this forum. I'm not trying to buy or sell, just asking a question. For those who deal in numbers, how much would 10,000 red brain strain seeds go for wholesale? For that matter, reaper, primo, or any other not so common super would be fine. Ghost seeds comes out of India by the millions, so I'm not talking about those.
For that matter, is 1000 seeds considered wholesale? Do seeds like this sell by the 100,000?
I was just wondering if it is worth trying to sell seeds wholesale, or stick to what I am doing. Any input from someone who has dealt in numbers like this would be appreciated.Thanks, Tom
hogleg said:
I think wholesale is done by weight not # of seeds
Yes, I have heard that, but someone who deals with this kind of thing would know how many seeds are in an ounce, or whatever weight they would deal with. I know if I bought a pound of pepper seeds, I would still want to know an approximate number I would be working with.
I didn't want to quote anything, but a known seed dealer that hardly anyone likes told me he would give me $1200 for 50,000 seeds, which is 2 cents each, and he was charging $1 each. Juanitos just said .2, would that mean 20 cents each for at least rare seeds? We may as well talk reaper seeds as an example. I figured maybe a dime on the dollar might be about right so someone can make 5 to 10 times their money just to re sell them. If anyone here deals on numbers like this but you don't want to tell the world how cheap you buy seeds you mark up, just send me a private message and I will keep your answers confidential. Wozzi, yes, I couldn't get anyone here to help me with the germ tests even with offering free seeds so I did everything myself.