What do you guys do with unripe pods?

Put one of those big boxes on your passenger seat. Drive around town. If you see any criminals, villains, scoundrels, or evil-doers, pelt them with the unripe pods.

Then go home, conduct a Google search on your exploits, and revel in the knowledge that you've become one of an elite cabal of chile-themed superheroes. ️️️
PS. Anything I was cooking with peppers and onions, like sausage etc. unripe green pods would work fine in the mix... just saute with your onions and bells...
Make a quickie sausage and peppers hero, or 10, lol.
Mirepoix for stew too...
Now I have to Google Mirepoix

Masher, I've tried to stay away from pickle crisp. I haven't done any research on it, just feel like I would be adding a "chemical" to my food. I do know one thing, the refrigerator pickles I made are about 100 times better than the ones I water bathed. I do appreciate your brine recipe. I used half water/half vinegar.

And I'm thinking Rob has the best answer

Dragged these inside the back garage. At least my hands won't be going numb whilst picking them.

I left the baccatum outside because the family was ready for dinner. You think I could pick them first thing in the morning and turn them straight to sauce?
i'm not speaking from experience, but i don't think it would be a problem for them to experience a frost before picking them, especially if you're making them into sauce (and the texture doesn't matter)
i wouldn't rush, but what do i know
Walchit said:

Dragged these inside the back garage. At least my hands won't be going numb whilst picking them.

I left the baccatum outside because the family was ready for dinner. You think I could pick them first thing in the morning and turn them straight to sauce?
doh  :doh:
i've got baccatum still ripening up just fine on the table that were picked green a couple weeks ago  :!:
green bishops crown, brazilian starfish, berry amarillo, sugar rush, aji fantasy, aji mango, dulce de moca   all were surprisingly tasty even green or mostly green still, when blistered first then smashed into your drunken face with corn tortillas also charred first  :D
the chinense ripened up a little, but many of them went soft before ripening, i had to sort the bad ones out of the piles daily with the chinenses 
Walchit said:

Dragged these inside the back garage. At least my hands won't be going numb whilst picking them.

I left the baccatum outside because the family was ready for dinner. You think I could pick them first thing in the morning and turn them straight to sauce?
if you are going  to sauce them right away the frost shouldn`t hurt.
Walchit said:
Now I have to Google Mirepoix

Masher, I've tried to stay away from pickle crisp. I haven't done any research on it, just feel like I would be adding a "chemical" to my food. I do know one thing, the refrigerator pickles I made are about 100 times better than the ones I water bathed. I do appreciate your brine recipe. I used half water/half vinegar.

And I'm thinking Rob has the best answer
i know what you mean about the refrigerator pickles. i made some over the summer with cukes from the garden from a recipe i got online and the were to die for. i am now addicted to them and can`t get enough. 100 times better than store bought bread & butter pickles.  :party:
old bed sheets dude
and you know this man...

can get through short cold snaps with just covering the plants in old sheets for the night.
This year up here; we had cold, then cold and a week of rain, then couple warmish days low 40's, then more cold, today we had 33 and snowing  :neutral:
last year i was still harvesting all through October.
I haven't even got my dang garlic for next year planted yet  :neutral:
Now's the time to plant garlic then? I thought about covering play ts but they said it was gonna dip down into the 20's for 2 days. Bout to just make a batch of that cold medicine mentioned in another thread lol.
yeah, you plant garlic now
{use the largest cloves you got, eat the medium/small cloves} after planting cover it in lots of mulch, bags of leaves, straw, etc. use what you got 
Then in the spring, you rake back some of the mulch 
water when you water the rest of the garden
and harvest when most of the tops have died back  mid summer 
also if you want larger heads, snap off the flower scapes even though they do look neat 
i got mine in trade from a member here 
PepperPeopleAreTheBest  :metal:
i grew; Estonian red and
elephant garlic{which is actually more closely related to a leek than garlic}
if you want me to send you some cloves and a sample of my alder/cherry wood smoked Serrano pow pow let me know  :D