What do you know about...

What do you know about barrel aged sh't? hot sauce, and any other liquids? How to, what NOT to do, what is tricky, what is simple...etc! Advice, thoughts, and ideas welcome!

xo nicole
use an oak barrel. put in your pepper mash then pack the top with course ground sea salt. pop the top back on the barrel and store preferably in a basement that maintains a constant temprature. if you want extra flavour use some wet flip flops!!! just kidding! it's only jokes!!! next time i'll chew real quiet!!lol. seriously , the first part works if the temps stay right. i did years back when i lived in buffalo. there are no basements here though so i'm out of luck. we did it for 4 months but you can do it longer. the taste changes a lot. the heat level goes down.
You dont have a basement? :crazy: Im guna squish the peppers like grapes but w/ my flip flops instead of bare feet k? Just for you. The guy at the distillery(sp?) told me that change in temp expands and unexpands the wood so it makes the process faster releasing the flavors faster.

What about how long the alcohol has been out of the barrels? Should they be freshly used or it doesnt matter?

th alchohol might add to the flavour. the temp fluctuation will speed it up but you run the risk of getting sick. lack of humidity is more important. the long slow process aids in changing the chemistry of the pepper itself. we used red savinas and in 4 months time they tasted completely different than regular savinas. we used a small oak whiskey barrel that still had the hooch smell in there we threw the fresh savinas in the blender and then we packed about 4 inches of sea salt on top , closed the barrel and let it be. 4 months later we cracked it open scraped the salt, which becomes solid as hell and removed the mash , cut it with vinegar and garlic. it was off the hook! a good friend of mine took 3 tours at the tabasco plant. we just stole and downsized there ideas. they age for up to 2 years but we got impatient. they age in caves. something to do with ground radiation. we have no basements here because the water table is to high.