sun What does sunburn on leaves look like?

Wish I had some pics, but didn't take any last year. Haven't had any this year (knock on wood), well on peppers anyhow. Have had some a couple of tomatoes that grew up too close to the lights. Best description I can give is they turn white first. Within a day or two they start to become crispy and brown, eventually falling off. Unless it is too bad, the plant can recover though. At least all of mine did last year.

If that is it, give them some more shade for a couple of days while they are getting used to the sun. A little more hardening off time so you can protect the other leaves. New growth should come out OK because they start growing in the sunlight. Do you have any pics you can post?

Hope this helps!
I got a bunch sunburned...will take a couple of pics in the morning and post just sets them back a bit but the will definitely grow out of it...some of mine already have new growth coming...
Yeah, I got a couple plants sunburned as well. My "specimen" 7 pot seems to have got hit the was also the tallest plant out of the ones that I put out. Just mainly the upper leaves...a couple have fallen. As others have said, the plant will usually recover unless maybe it was completely scalded. Might set it back 2 or 3 weeks, but come mid-June or so, you'll never even know that it got hit. Kinda funny in that every year, no matter how hard I try to harden off properly, I always have a few plants that get sunburn.

Last year, although not sunburn, one of my fataliis had almost every leaf shredded in a hailstorm. It was so damn ugly that I wanted to throw it out. That particulary plant produced 400 or so peppers and was one of my most vigourous. In some ways, I think that peppers actually thrive on some stress or adversity.
My sunburned leaves turned a kind of silvery before drying/curling up and falling off after getting sunburned last year..