What fertilzers are your choice ferts ?

What type of fertlizers do you all use. which are your favorite and least favorite. Wjta do u use for foliar root feeding or grnular or liquid types. which do u use. Currently i'm trying miracle grow nursery select. seems to be working.

But how about u all ?
I use pretty much any kind of composted (aged) manure and/or compost. This year I'm using some rabbit manure along with some composted poultry manure (Black Hen) and I'm having some good results. I will probably also use some manure/compost tea as my plants get a little older, but right now I'm just sprinkling a little manure on top of the soil every couple of weeks.

20-20-20 water soluble with micro nutrients is what I use but I find in a garden with the run off that I'm not sure how much is actually being absorbed. I've been trying a 10-10-10 slow absorption pellet fert lately to see how it goes. I also add sheep manure. I don't like to get things too complicated or overdo it as I don't think it's necessary.
I only foiler feed:
Blood and Bone type fertilizer
epsom salts
Fish Emulsion

This is a base feeding, but in addition to this I also foiler feed worm tea, Benzylaminopurine, additional Mycorrhizae Fungi, and the water I use is directly from my fish tank that is pH 6.5, warmed to around 78 degrees, and pre-treated to remove ammonia and nitrates.

It's more of a scientific approach that some my not think is necessary, but my 3' tall 4' wide TS scorpion with hundreds of flowers on it seems to show very good results.
This year I'm using mostly aged cow manure and/or various composts(regular, worm, bokashi, leaf compost, mushroom compost), and the odd shot of epsom salts and 20-20-20+micro water soluble. I like to keep things quite organic and hope to stop using any unorganic fertilizers but I still have a wee bit of work to do
I fertilize every two weeks, and am curently alternating between TomatoTone and Neptune's Fish & Seaweed.

I have to say I am extremely satisfied with the fish/seaweed and might consider just using that one fert, going forward.
Always interested in what everyone else does.

Me: Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with a little Black Kow compost on top. Botanicare Liquid Karma and Pro Grow for first 5 weeks. Liquid Karma with Pro Bloom each week thereafter. Very happy so far. (Thanks AJ.)

Used Fox Farms Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom last year and was pretty good.
Always interested in what everyone else does.

Me: Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with a little Black Kow compost on top. Botanicare Liquid Karma and Pro Grow for first 5 weeks. Liquid Karma with Pro Bloom each week thereafter. Very happy so far. (Thanks AJ.)

Used Fox Farms Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom last year and was pretty good.

I just started with Fox Farms Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom once a week -- I am growing in pots this year (was going to say pot growing :eek: ) so after the rains we have been getting I will foliar feed today. Prior to starting these I have them in pots with Pro-Mix and Blood Meal and would shoot them with the MG nursery mix - I have added superthrive every so often not sure if I will continue since starting the new regimen.
Fish and seaweed emulsion, coffee grounds, epsom salts.

Looking around for a good local source of organic fertilizer.

Gonna buy some worm castings when i have the time.
This season for my containers I'm using Botanicare pure blend pro grow, along with General Hydroponics CalMag+, and a couple of weeks ago I also picked up a jug of maxicrop. Plants seem to be doing very well with this setup, and are doing a lot better then in previous years when I was just using espoma garden tone. I'm still playing around with the exact dosage schedule for these, but right now I'm using a lower dose of the pure blend 2x a week, and a low dose of calmag+ and maxicrop once a week.
I only foiler feed:
Blood and Bone type fertilizer
epsom salts
Fish Emulsion

This is a base feeding, but in addition to this I also foiler feed worm tea, Benzylaminopurine, additional Mycorrhizae Fungi, and the water I use is directly from my fish tank that is pH 6.5, warmed to around 78 degrees, and pre-treated to remove ammonia and nitrates.

It's more of a scientific approach that some my not think is necessary, but my 3' tall 4' wide TS scorpion with hundreds of flowers on it seems to show very good results.
What is the benzyaminopurine for? and why do you remove the NH3 and NO2 from your fish tank water, concentration too high?
I use a combination of mushroom compost, epsom salt, and fish emulsion. I spray plants with epsom salt every two to three weeks. Fish emulsion will be on a 3-4 week basis. I water all with fish emulsion a week ago and won't use it again til the third week of July most likely. So far the plants that got started off right are doing great....at least it seems to me. :) I was given a hot banana that was about 15 inches tall around the time I got my Bhut. The bhut was about 4 to 5 inches tall. The bhut has now caught up to it and is growing great. This is all great knowledge for when I kick it into high gear next year. :)
What is the benzyaminopurine for? and why do you remove the NH3 and NO2 from your fish tank water, concentration too high?

Here is a wiki link for benzylaminopurine WIKI WIKI WIKIit basically give the plants a quick boost to get the slow growing ones going and establishes good root growth similar to superthrive. I only use it when planting up as too much can cause the plants to grow leggy.

Ammonia and Nitrites are toxic to fish and must be removed.
I fertilize every two weeks, and am curently alternating between TomatoTone and Neptune's Fish & Seaweed.

I have to say I am extremely satisfied with the fish/seaweed and might consider just using that one fert, going forward.

How much neptunes do you use when you fert?
What type of fertlizers do you all use. which are your favorite and least favorite. Wjta do u use for foliar root feeding or grnular or liquid types. which do u use. Currently i'm trying miracle grow nursery select. seems to be working.

But how about u all ?
I started with Scotts time-release 10-10-10 fertilizer. I didn't like how you put it there and wait, and hope it works without getting washed away, and can't fertilize again until its specified time has run out. I'll never get time-release granular types again.

Now I use Miracle-Gro water-soluble plant food and magnesium sulfate/epsom salt. Specifically, their tomato plant food (18-18-21). 2 1/2 teaspoons fertilizer and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon epsom salt per 1.2 gallon container. I fertilized once every week or two, though lately I've been slacking off (the plants are doing really good as it is, and I've been too busy picking peppers to bother fertilizing...).

Yeah.. Scotts, Miracle-Gro... I know, same thing, but it's really about all I can find around here.
How much neptunes do you use when you fert?

Depends a bit on where we are in the season. I used the recommended strength (1 tablespoon per gallon) from Memorial Day to around August 1, then I do the last few feedings from August 1 to Sept 15 a bit stronger, like 1.25 or 1.50 tablespoons per gallon. Then I pour about a quart of the mixture into each pot.
Mega- I have those exact same ferts on hand as well, the neptunes and the tomato tone.

Gotta love that fish/seaweed. How much tomato tone are you adding to what size pot?? Just top dressing Im assuming??

Ive been using tomato tone and garen lime to ammend my soil before potting, then neptunes to suppliment along the way.

However, I just started a worm bin and we bought a pet rabbit about a month ago that has been giving me about 2 cups of poo a day. Also, the alfalfa pellets we buy for his feed make a great tea similar to superthrive.

I think this next grow Im going to ammend with rabbit poo, castings ... and then use additional teas throughout the grow. Ild like to get away from using any purchased products at all (well, we have to buy the alfalfa pellets for the rabbit - but at $8 per 50lbs its not much cost). However, that neptunes is going to be hard to give up.