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What happened to my plant?

I went to water my plants today only to see this to my horror. What happened? Is this some from lack of nutes? Is this overwatering damage? We had some nice rain 3-4 days ago but I didn't think it was that bad. Before I take drastic action and overwater or over fert I'd like a diagnosis from some experts. Will this plant survive? It's a mamoth Jal bonnie plant if that matters. I use MG plant food about once a week. Been longer since I used it due to the rain didn't want to over water. This plant just started flowering and has 2 open flowers.
Looks like large scale bacterial spotting due to the rain splashing up from the ground and elsewhere. If it looks like the leaf is done for, cut it off so it isn't blocking light to the rest of the plant. If any leaves get worse cut those off too. Any leaves with a lot of healthy green area should be left on and monitored. The plant will most likely survive but may be a bit slow/stunted if it loses too many leaves.
It's in a container and it is roughly 3 feet tall is it possible the soil back splashed that much? As the last pictures shows almost all the bigger leaves have this issue. Not to the extent as the first 2 pics(which are different leaves) but we're talking 65% of the plant or more is effected. Should it be removed from my smaller plants to prevent it spreading(which so far doesn't seem to be a problem). I had some choc habs in a topsy turvy nearby all the leaves fell off from the bottom up. Is this disease spreading? The leaves never looked this color or bad at all they just started falling off one day.
i have a similar thing at home on bulgarian carrot...It has black parts of the leaves etc...im wondering if it came when i mayeb overwatered and also watered the leaves directly with worm tea (from a watering can)
did you spray with something that could be something else...........looks like cheimcal burns......not sure really.........over ferts?

did you spray with something that could be something else...........looks like cheimcal burns......not sure really.........over ferts?


That's a handy little image there Trini...saving that one for reference..
Mine looks pretty similar??


Most of the leaves on my established plant (have had it for maybe 6 months or so) Have started doing this now...


Wondering if its due to bacteria/fungus..

Maybe chemical burn from worm tea direct from my worm farm that wasnt diluted enough..Maybe overwatering..
Def looks bacterial or fungus to me. I would snip all affected leaves and destroy them and I wouldnt do it while they are wet cause it will just spread.
I'm not sure exactly what it is, but that looks EXACTLY like what happened to my Caribbean Red a few weeks ago. I couldn't find a definite answer, so I clipped off every involved leaf that I could find, and kept clipping over the next couple of days until I found no more involved leaves. I even had to clip some of the newly forming leaves on occasion. Fortunately, the plant came back and is now flush with normal foliage. YMMV.