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What Information Do You Keep in your Garden Log?


For those that keep a garden "diary", what information do you keep?

I have an excel spreadsheet set up for my log that has the following columns for each variety planted:

Variety Name
Date Planted
Number seeds planted
Date germinated
Number seeds germinated
Date transplanted to 9 oz cups
Number transplanted to 9 oz cups
Date transplanted to 6" pots
Number transplanted to 6" pots
Date transplanted to 5 gallon containers
Number transplanted to 5 gallon containers
Weather conditions including rainfall, extreme temps, damaging winds, etc.
Comments column

I will update this log daily or when events warrant.

Is there any information I am logging that is not necessary or information I have not included that is necessary for a complete log?

I have another spreadsheet that has general information like, what fertilize used and frequency, watering schedule, soil used, who/where the seeds came from and some other general information.
maybe a round up of weather you know external factors out of control.... heat wave or above average rainfall, cold snap etc
wouldn't hurt.
Thanks Potawie.

Good thought Stillz....original post edited to show that information.
You are all more organized than me, lol.

My notes(mental) from last year are as follows:"........*ahem*......DO NOT GET FUSARIUM WILT AGAIN ASS HOLE!!!!!!!!!"
Last year I noted down 5 or 6 things that you've got on your list and I thought I was being a bit obsessive, pleased to know I wasn't.
rainbowberry said:
Last year I noted down 5 or 6 things that you've got on your list and I thought I was being a bit obsessive, pleased to know I wasn't.

it is the anal retentive nature of my occupation that has passed on to my private life....:think:
I just do date put into the paper towel, date germinated and put into soil and date i fill up the cup to the seed leaves for each plant, then i keep a watering and fertilizing schedule, and then eventually i'll give some of the plants names... then again i grow everything i plant so i don't need any of that 'number transplanted' stuff.
between this and rainbowberry's seed storing habits it's good to know i'm in good anal retentive company.
My garden journal is usually broken down into flowers and veggies, from there it lists suppliers/nurseries, products used, ect. as well as the above info on sowing, germination dates and rates, transplanting, and side notes

Type of Pepper
Supplier Name:
Date Sown:
Date Germ.:
% Germ.:
Potting mix used:
Notes: (includes transplant dates, observations (diseases and pests), general comments on plants and products used.
Daisy7117 said:
My garden journal is usually broken down into flowers and veggies, from there it lists suppliers/nurseries, products used, ect. as well as the above info on sowing, germination dates and rates, transplanting, and side notes

Type of Pepper
Supplier Name:
Date Sown:
Date Germ.:
% Germ.:
Potting mix used:
Notes: (includes transplant dates, observations (diseases and pests), general comments on plants and products used.

This information is also kept but on a different tab in the same excel file. All the "stuff" I use is documented in the "blog" section here on THP called "Spring Inventory 2008".
:shocked: damn you go all out, I only make mental notes of what chile tastes good or grows good for me & if it doesnt produce well or taste is nasty I wont grow it again.

oh wait I guess I do more than that, I also highlite the chile names in a catalog that I like to grow for future references :lol: but thats going all out for me keeping a garden log :lol:
If I had a garden book it would be called short cut to falure lol
only about three or four varieties that do really well at my place lol

I tend to kill em with kindness.
weather has been so changeable here eg. after years of drought it has rained so much last 6 weeks that I lost 2 kg of ripe Siam. They just went brown & soggy....I'm not compaining...but damn I had earthworms crawling up my cement landing yesterday because the yard is too wet.... wtf is that?
Anyway point being - everything weatherwise is too screwed up here to hope to find a pattern. I just rely on seed from survived plants or maybe from a few pods that had a better flavor or heat & continue them on. Reproduce the nature rather than the nurture ;)
bentalphanerd said:
weather has been so changeable here eg. after years of drought it has rained so much last 6 weeks that I lost 2 kg of ripe Siam. They just went brown & soggy....I'm not compaining...but damn I had earthworms crawling up my cement landing yesterday because the yard is too wet.... wtf is that?

That is My rain! Give it back!

There's a big article in the local paper today about the state's water problems. We've had some rain in the last 6 weeks, but we're still so far in the hole that watering restrictions are being kept in place.
so much water & the dams are still only at 25%. Water restrictions still apply.
I need a snorkel & flippers to get to the front gate. I don't get the laughs now that I used to get wearing them around in full drought.
My "Inflatable Cindy" floatation device just attracts scorn & ridicule though, same as always.