indoor What is a good tent size for this light I'm owning?

This is from your link above:
"400w HPS replacement with 4.5ft x 3.8ft cover-
age at 18" height - PERFECT for compact applica-
tions or using multiple units for even coverage"
​I don't use a tent, but this should give you an
idea where to start. Something with a 4 x 5 footprint
would seem to do it. As you raise the light with the
growing plants, the light should reflect off the walls
of the tent to illuminate the bottom branches, I would
That is a really deluxe light!
b0sss said:
What is a good tent size if I have this light?
I'm new and would love to start a growing tent in my garage. Beside tent, does anyone have a recommend what tent i should buy? and what do i need for my tent? PLease help.
Like PaulG I have  no experience but a quick search turned up:
Is a tent an absolute when using lights?
Grow Tent help
First Grow Tent Setup: Lights and Ventilation for 2x4
You can find more - learn about this by clicking on "Searching" at this link.>Help Topics

a 4 x4 , but you just need a veg light ,   For that price I'd get a QB. 260 v2 no fans a helluva a better light for the same money ,  ,,,,     :party:
Probably could get away with a 4x4 but a 3x3 would be better for fruit.

Im partial to gorilla tents due to the height but I use 3 x 315 cmh for fruit in a 4x8, so I want the extra height the extensions give. Plus I can grow up to a 5-6 foot plant in there without staking.

Ive only used secret Jardin and gorilla. If I were to get a budget tent I would get the zazzy. 88 bucks for a 4x4 and 80 of headroom.