What is everyone making for Easter?

Oh YOU sonofabitch!!! You're killing me man!
If you start posting pics with a smear of Liverwurst, I'm gonna be pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!
tctenten said:
Grab some of that starter from your MIL. I bet that has some real nice flavor.
We have tried. about every other years for ten years. We always let it die. ehh...
But hot damm does she make good bread. Twice a week like a Swiss watch. Which is what it takes to keep it alive and well.
Oh, and PANCAKES!!!! She makes thee best damm pancakes in all of the solar system from that stuff!
qq - "boule" is a French word for "ball". The French have used "boule" to describe breads made in a pot for centuries. So the real question is why would anyone call a synthetic gem a boule. Maybe it's my limited experience, but I've never seen a truly ball-shaped crystal.  :P 
We can't go on to page 2 without this vision of beauty!
geeme said:
qq - "boule" is a French word for "ball". The French have used "boule" to describe breads made in a pot for centuries. So the real question is why would anyone call a synthetic gem a boule. Maybe it's my limited experience, but I've never seen a truly ball-shaped crystal.  :P
i think the term boule is from way back in the day when they first started making really pure ruby and sapphire crystals for old electronics and junk.
the new way they spin a seed crystal in a vat of insanely pure molten aluminum oxide or silicone...the end product is this near cylindrical rod, the rod shape is favorable for shit like silicone... they just cut them into super thin slices and start making chips with them.
but the old way was some bizzare thing with a blow torch... the end product was sorta ball shaped so i guess thats where they got the name?
old way

new way.

the only reason i know any of this is... i was thinking of buying a new watch with a sapphire glass face. my current watch is f**king SCRATCHED to hell... old citizen 8700 with mineral glass. still want a new watch... but i want this one to die first. its barely 10 years old.
Scoville DeVille said:
What the hael is goin' on here? How did we get from Easter meals and awesome bread to making Sail Foam covers???
Hold on.
Ima get you all some bootlegged ADD medication. It still good, I swear! :D
There is a lull....tomorrow the real food get's made.
tctenten said:
I just finished up reading that thread....just WOW!!! Looks like you guys crushed it.
I realized that all of the pictures I posted are gone. About once a year, I have to clean out my photo cache because you're only allowed like, 755,000,000 MB's of memory, having an Extreme membership.
fiogga said:
I'll be dreaming of that bread Terry, you need to open a bakery in Indiana, soon------------OMG, or at least write a cookbook!
Thanks Sandra. Those were a couple of the good looking ones. I am still working at it.
I'll be celebrating easter tonight.  It's going to be the first one without my entire family.
I have about four pounds of carnitas in the crockpot bubbling away.  I was going to make tacos but scrapped the idea because I forgot to get tortillas, so I will make naan instead.  I love naan and I think it will pair well with the pork.  My dough is rising at the moment.   ;)