What is happening to my plant?! (photo inside)

Started this off indoors over winter and I have this inside my closet for now with some t8 lights. I dont water it a lot and try to let it dry out before I add water. But, today I noticed its turning more and more yellow and the edges are dying odd. Help...
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Maybe the lights are too close and it doesnt like the heat, also i think you might need to start giving it same more fertilizer.
Looks like over watering.
Close lights would burn your leaves-turn them purple,not too much light.
Does the soil have time release ferts,?
I see yellow stuff in your pic.
Do te plant cups have drain holes?
If not the top might look dry but the bottom is too wet.
Maybe I can cut back on watering. The lights are about 8 inches away from the plants. And, the plants have osmocote pellets in them.

The cups have drain holes and there is another cut under it to catch excess water.
Hey Bang... just a quick look at the plants and personally I would not be too worried about it. Doesn't look all that bad. Sometimes it just takes a while for the roots get settled... especially in a small cup.  Looks like you've topped it already so it's been growing for a while. Just let it do its thing.
MNXR250R said:
Hey Bang... just a quick look at the plants and personally I would not be too worried about it. Doesn't look all that bad. Sometimes it just takes a while for the roots get settled... especially in a small cup.  Looks like you've topped it already so it's been growing for a while. Just let it do its thing.

Thanks I am very new to this and when I saw this I must admit I panicked a bit. Ill see how it goes and hopefully it'll warm up soon here in Texas. The weather has been so random and I can't risk leaving it out yet.