heat What is it like to actually eat a Carolina Reaper?

Oh Man Its Hot In Here The Texas Chainsaw Massacre GIF by filmeditor
I've been eating spicy all my life. I've ordered "Thai hot" and then asked for hot sauce to make it hotter.

Most I've ever done is slices. Never tried a whole reaper, or even ghost (plenty of habaneros, though). Based on the reaper slices, I don't think I'll try a whole one.
First and last time I ate a whole reaper, I was surprised how much it burned in the throat and ears. If you eat small slices, it burns more in the front of mouth, not so much in the ears and throat.

The worst part, by far, is what it does to your gut: cap cramps. It’s not unusual to wake up in the middle of the night to vomit or just feel generally miserable. To me, cap cramps are far more unbearable than the mouth burn.

Cap cramps have gotten worse for me over the years, so now I limit myself to 1 gram when tasting new superhots. Even then, I sometimes get cap cramps.
it is very pleasant for the first 15 to 20 seconds.

if you are going to try , do yourself a favour and seed them .

Chile seeds are indigestible which means they are going to take the full ride.

you will get burning ring either way but hopefully it won't feel like someone dragged a burning Christmas tree through you. 😂
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Never had reactions like that - but I guess it's all what you're used to. Hiccups, that's another thing though.

Unfortunately, lately I can't take as hot anymore, not because of tolerance but because of acid :(
Never had reactions like that - but I guess it's all what you're used to. Hiccups, that's another thing though.

Unfortunately, lately I can't take as hot anymore, not because of tolerance but because of acid :(

If you can eat tomatoes and oranges, what you are describing probably isn't acid; it's cap cramps.
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Been living with it and treated for it for 20 years so I'm pretty sure what it is (GERD to be specific). If I plan ahead I can take extra meds and it isn't so bad.