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What is life expectansy of peppers plants?

Any one know what is a life expectansy for peppers plants in perfect condition like in tropics or how many years the same plant can be over winter it in seasonal change? Thanks!!!
Good thread I am curious as well. This was my first season growing so I have no idea. I will let you know if my plants make it to season 2. I would assume like anything else that certain varieties may live longer than others. Also you mentioned optimal conditions. Plants are living things so one may live 6 years with optimal nutrients etc. but that same plant might have only made it 4 years in a less favorable environment. Interested in seeing people's responses in terms of ages, variety, and conditions.
915river said:
That is very cute Mike I looking foward if I live that long!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be happy if that 50 years from now, I can report that a plant is still living (or that it finally died). I will only be about 105 by then but hey, look at the experience I could bring!

This purira clone is 9 yrs old.

3/4 Quoted as average,No a rocotos thats 6 years old and Tabasco thats in the family that is 7 so ideal conditions and good management keep them thriving :)