What is nibbling on my leaves?



I came home tonight and found these holes.  This is the only plant I see it on.  Can anyone tell me what enemy I am up against.  Thanks in advance.
I have found a TON of flea beetles doing that to my plants and the ones they leave alone the red spider mites are having fun with....well until last nights treatment :)
Not my photo but an example of what they do....

And we both live in a Middletown, seems probable hahahahha
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I have found a TON of flea beetles doing that to my plants and the ones they leave alone the red spider mites are having fun with....well until last nights treatment :)
Not my photo but an example of what they do....

And we both live in a Middletown, seems probable hahahahha

Yes, I am just a little further north. Chris, what is the remedy for this?
my guess... caterpillars or even slugs.
I had similar chew holes on my leaves on the plants in the ground. I took two steps and have not seen even one leaf chewed on since.
1) spray with insecticide of your choice/purpose.
2) (and this is the weird one) I know slugs have issues with copper, so I spooled a very small circle or two around the base of the plant, a copper hoop on the ground that winds up the trunk a little bit.
plants are critter free.
I also do regular insecticides as a maintenance thing - every month or so.  (even spray the grass area around it)

I guessed slugs for mine because the area around the plants were riddled with slugs and I caught a few climbing the pepper trunks.
Plus you can see their trails on the ground around the stem.
"Botanical pesticides recommended for controlling flea beetles include neem, rotenone, pyrethrin, sabadilla, and formulations of these in some combination" I garden organically so I make sure to use only products that fit my need. 
Great. Thanks for the ideas. Will give them a try.
mrgrowguy said:
my guess... caterpillars or even slugs.
I had similar chew holes on my leaves on the plants in the ground. I took two steps and have not seen even one leaf chewed on since.
1) spray with insecticide of your choice/purpose.
2) (and this is the weird one) I know slugs have issues with copper, so I spooled a very small circle or two around the base of the plant, a copper hoop on the ground that winds up the trunk a little bit.
plants are critter free.
I also do regular insecticides as a maintenance thing - every month or so.  (even spray the grass area around it)
I guessed slugs for mine because the area around the plants were riddled with slugs and I caught a few climbing the pepper trunks.Plus you can see their trails on the ground around the stem.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
"Botanical pesticides recommended for controlling flea beetles include neem, rotenone, pyrethrin, sabadilla, and formulations of these in some combination" I garden organically so I make sure to use only products that fit my need.
AaronRiot said:
Could be clavate tortoise beetle. I've seen them around this year a bit more than usual. That or slugs.
Here's a link to the beetles so you can keep an eye out, they look a bit like bird crap.. https://www.google.ca/search?q=clavate+tortoise+beetle&client=firefox-a&hs=HDZ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=I6ORU9v8FafD8gHktoHYBw&ved=0CDEQsAQ&biw=1472&bih=723
Thanks, going to spray them with some Neem.  hopefully that takes care of it.
It looks like snail damage to me.  This would be consistent with your report that you are not seeing any "bugs" when you go look during the day.  If you go have a peek in the midnight hour you'll probably see these little bastards at work.
I've been physically removing and crushing them and have started crafting DIY copper rings to surround the base stalks of the plants and try to ensure that no foliage hangs low enough to allow access.