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pests What is this bug??

Hey guys just got home from a bike ride with a friend and I come home and I walk by my plant and notice something strange. I see a lil grey bug and I have no clue what kind it is.

Now Ive have slugs and earwigs do some damage but I have no clue what that bug is in the photo. Sorry if it's a lil blurry.
lol, I see the bug but it can't really be identified from the pic. Could be a beetle of some sort? If you don't see any plant damage it might be a predatory/good bug eating aphids 'n such.
Yea I knew the pic quality was not all that good but mabe in this pic. Might help idk

Sort if you can't see the pic all that well. I should have took a better pic angle.

Sorry I meant
For those of you who can't make it out, start on the lower-right edge of the pic, and let your eyes go up the right side. First you'll get to a branch that is almost horizontal. If you let your eye slowly go to the left and stop where that branch hits the main stem, you'll see a whitish "hot spot" directly above. Look directly above this hot spot, ON the main stem is where you'll find it, pretty much in profile. It kind of looks like a ladybug from the side. However, I've never seen a grey ladybug. Also, as mentioned by others, it's too out of focus to get a good read on it at all.
It looks like a female, they're very annoying bugs espicially young ones like that.

You should probably try and get rid of it before it settles in and makes your home it's home.