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What is this disease?

Hello fellow nerds.

I have problems in my pepper grow. Out of nowhere the leaves get something on them that lookes like salt or sugar. I get it on some plants, but not all. It get it in soil grow and hydroponics.


I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this?

Jan Kjeldsen
Hello fellow nerds.

I have problems in my pepper grow. Out of nowhere the leaves get something on them that lookes like salt or sugar. I get it on some plants, but not all. It get it in soil grow and hydroponics.


I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this?

Jan Kjeldsen

Like nightshade suggested, I'd say edema. -- water less and from the bottom, wait until the soil is completely dry and increase air flow in the room, add a fan. It's fairly common and as long as you correct your watering habits, the plant will make a full recovery.
Thx for the replies, it sure looks like edema. But all my plants are in hydroponic systems (DWC)
So im not really sure on how to water less?
Edema happens when the plant uptakes water faster than it gets rid of it through transpiration. If your growroom has high humidity, it is likely the cause. Also, if your grow room is on the cool side, it can also cause that.

Now, the leaves that have edema now will not heal and be new again. The cells in the leaves filled with water and burst, leaving the scars you see. The new growth is what you should look at to determine if your corrective actions have been effective.

Something else you may want to consider is decreasing the watering cycle. If your setup is on a timer and with drippers, don't water when the lights are off or at night.
Allright, ill try to increase airflow around the plants with a fan.

My ppm is only 300 because the plants er relatively small. PH 5,8-6,2

The grow room

And theyre all DWC, so no timers, drippers or anything like that. Really hope the air cirkulation helps.
cool set up - what sort of lighting is that? -- Airflow and humidity all that might need adjusting then. Good looking plants, btw.
The ability for a user, either new or old, to present a question on this public and free forum, is of vital importance.

Forums that promote an atmosphere of "search before you ask" are great for those that have experience and knowledge. However, they do not provide a welcoming and comforting environment for new members or lurkers that are out there.

It is my opinion that we should all freely share knowledge and help those that do not have enough themselves to even know where to begin.

The OP in this case knows that there is an abnormality but doesn't know which direction to look for answers.

In a forum such as this where information turns over at such a rapid rate, it becomes almost impossible to look for answers or keep up with everything.
There's about a thousand threads covering this. Try a little search first next time.
Oh, i now see why you have 6700+ posts ;)
If i knew that i had edema on my plants, i would not have startet this thread. Im from Denmark and our forums have a fraction of users compared to this. This place seemed like a nice place place to ask.

Thx, its 12 watt led lamps.

Lol, i looks a little like a growspace for the fivefingered plant. But ill stay on the hot pepper adventure :)
How do you like the LED's? Have you ever used HPS on peppers? I like the idea of using led for power consumption and heat but I am not sure if they are as effective, getting mixed opinions.
I LOVE them!

I wrote a blog to demonstrate how effective they are. A 12 watt lamp can get you from sprout to a full grown fruiting plant.

But theyre are things to consider when buying a lamp, the wattage of the single LEDS, the eBay "225 leds/20watt" things are pretty much useless. Minimum of 1 watt pr led.
I've not known there to be any issues with links on this forum, unless it's to an NSFW or similar website. The owners and mods are fairly liberal in what they allow. From what I've observed over the last few years is that most members act mature most of the time.