What is this white stuff on my pepper plants?

I have this white stuff on my pepper leaves. I am unsure what it is. I have had white flies eating my leaves and was using organic insect soap to kill them. Also I used liquid dr. earth fertilizer and some granular jobe's organic fertilizer. But never had fertlizer leaves that on the leaves.
Any suggestions? It seems to be a stain.
Here is my photo bucket to link to the 4 pics. http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/dcloyes1988/library/?view=recent&page=1
Are there small bumps or crystals on the underside of the leaves? I would say edema, or possibly salt build up. Do you spray the fertilizer on the leaves, or water it into the soil?
I was pouring the fertilizer at the roots so aside from a bit of drops hitting a leaf it is not getting on the leaves. It has been raining a lot here, not sure if that has something to do with it. Personally all the rain seems to be breeding bugs. I have laid out beer traps and been using my insect soap cause some plants were bitten up pretty bad.
I will check tomorrow for small bumps or cystals on underside of leaves.
I have seen dead white flies under leaves.
Hm, well it rained pretty hard and it did not come off. Maybe I should spray directly with a hose. If it won't come off since the soap is non toxic then you are saying it is not harmful right? Will take my hose out and try to spray it off.
Insecticidal soap has a very high pH which may cause problems if you were spraying consistently. If you aren't applying frequently, I wouldn't worry to much about it.
I was wondering if I should cut off the leaves with the stains that won't come off with the rain. A few plants, namely my three moruga scorpion chocolates have several leaves that are stained. I think it is just one leaf on one plant but it is more like 4-5 leaves on the other two. Should I cut the leaves off because the stains won't come off?
Just wondering if it is just cosmetic or if it is bad to leave on.
in general most people would say to leave any leaves on.  More leaves equals more power for your plant.  Even a yellow leaf is either producing some sort of energy or providing needed shade for the plant to function.  The plant will drop any leaves it doesn't need.  I have two plants that are not doing as well as my others.  One kept most of it's discolored leaves and is now catching up.  The other lost almost all it's leaves and is growing new leaves, but very slow (and being a Reaper it might not catch up soon enough to have any successful harvest... but will be a prime overwinter plan then)

HEALING BHUT (with many sick leaves still intact)


HEALING REAPER (lost almost all leaves)

Ok, well my three moruga chocolates look great really. All green and full leaves, they just have white residue that will not come off with a power wash from my hose or from rainfall. Some of my other plants such as my thai yellows have some white residue. The soap never left redisue before but I had a mysterious insect eating many holes and since my beers traps were not helping I kept reapplying the soap after a rain. I guess I used too much. I am just confused if the residue is a harmless cosmetic aspect or if it means it will impede my plants from producing.
I get most of my plants from chileplants.com. I tried to grow many from seed this year and they are too small, I started my seeds March 1st. should have stared in January. I do have two seed jalapeno plants that look good but short of those my seed plants were not gonna produce so I ordered 18 plants. I have had trouble each year getting my habaneros, morugas and ghost peppers from chileplants.com to produce with our short gardening season in Michigan.
I am just trying to do the best I can with my short season.
I have some non organic plants from a local greenhouse, three trinidad scorpions and three thai dragons. They are bigger than the organic plants from chileplants.com. I prefer organic but it seems the non organic pepper plants are larger.
Anyhow, the residue is here and there on many of my plants, it stained leaves. And the leaves are not even yellowed, just stained and the stain won't come off.
Off topic, how do I upload images? I cannot figure it out. Thanks everybody for the help. :)
My plants are from Cross Country too.. I drove there and bought them.  Most are doing great.  These two are the only problem children.. and at least with the Bhut I expect a full recovery.

As for uploading images.. what I do is go to imgur upload and then when they have the preview..right click 'copy image' and then right click 'paste' right into this body.
