What is this?!

I found this on my bhutlah scorpion pods. Does anyone know what it is?


  • 017A44EF-9F69-4EEB-B1C7-BFC4D7967E55.jpeg
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To me, it appears to be horrendous damage from Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB). I have them everywhere and they suck the color right out of your pods. I hate those a$$holes.
That doesn't look good......wheweee....will be watching this closely because shit like that happens here in South Africa when things warm up....in Spring going into Summer.
Bhuter said:
To me, it appears to be horrendous damage from Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB). I have them everywhere and they suck the color right out of your pods. I hate those a$$holes.
Same thing here. Waiting for my amazon delivery of kaolin clay.
NIbbles said:
how do the beetles suck the color out of the pod? it does not look like a good source of food.
....in corn the stink bugs feed through the husk, piercing kernels and sucking out the juice resulting in shriveled kernels. Stink bug feeding in soybeans is similar to corn, where the bugs pierce the pods and suck juices out of the seeds.

Info can be found here:

Applied one gallon today minus soap and, is this a rusult?
Its supposed to be a deterent. After app observatoon, located a few adults at the top of plant like people would be at life boats on a sinking ship.