What is this..?

What are the black splotches on the stems...? They aren't soft or rotted, just black spots.
What type of pepper does this look like..?
Was suppose to be a Carolina Reaper. Looks like a lightly pimpled chocolate hab to me..?


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49 views and No one has ever seen the black stem splotches..?
Not even 1 edumacated guesstimate..?
Not sure, but my guess is some kind of wet weather disease.. Like a late blight. A couple of my Chinense have similar looking splotches I noticed after a couple days of cold rain. It's been a wet year here. One of my stems with it doesn't appear to be coming back and is starting to yellow.. All of my plants with this have yellowing/sparse foliage, if any, on the diseased limbs. 
You've got some spots on the leaves, too.  This could very well be bacterial spot.
If they spread, or wrap around the entire stem, discard the entire plant, immediately.
Looks like a bacterial infection I had on my grow one year.

Can't remember the name. I do remember that it looked like soot and overtook entire plants. It was recommended to me by a known grower of the forum to ditch those plants.
acs1 said:
49 views and No one has ever seen the black stem splotches..?
Not even 1 edumacated guesstimate..?
Ok, ok, you’re right! I was one of the 49 views and should have chimed in bacterial something earlier. Now it just seems like an echo at this point tho. I’ve lost an entire season of seed stock to BLS. Have seen stem damage. I pitched everything, dirt, buckets, and plants at the time because I traded seeds before and didn’t want to pass it on to somebody else.

If you don’t want to go that route, I’d isolate it and spray it with copper fungicide. I know fungus and bacteria are different, that’s just prob what I’d do, have done it before in a panic. Then I’d throw it away in a few days anyway, because it usually doesn’t do anything.
solid7 said:
You've got some spots on the leaves, too.  This could very well be bacterial spot.
If they spread, or wrap around the entire stem, discard the entire plant, immediately.
To be fair its hard to tell from the pics but 99% of the black spots you see on the leafs in my first pic in this thread are dead aphid clusters from my last neem spray. I've looked under the scope at these many times to confirm dead aphids, and they rub right off. Don't want to wash them off as that will wash off any residual neem that might be having a small repellent action.
Yes, there are a very few lesion spots on leafs, are they from BLS, idk..? Maybe from past pest damage..? As you taught me S7, looking at the plant as a whole, at all of the hundreds of leafs and stems and the overall condition of the plant,, It looks healthy to me. No yellow/brown/dead stems or leafs. And the plant finally started to set fruit, must be a couple dozen pods now and tons of  buds/flowers. Also lots of new growth doing good.Terminal tips/growth are doing good... Just the black coloration splotches on some stems..? These black spots feel the same as the rest of the green stems, no soft rotted spots at all.
After reading in this thread about having possible BLS, I isolated the plant. Hate to destroy it when it looks healthy setting fruit with really only the black splotches on maybe 30% of the stems only.
So, what should be done with this plant..?
Here are some pics just taken today...
Thanks everybody for all the replies, appreciate the combined knowledge we have here...


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Also bear in mind that leaf spot, whether bacterial or fungal, can transmit physically from plant to plant if you handle or especially use cutting tools on a plant and then handle or use those tools, without sanitizing first, on other plants. Soil will also carry the pathogen and biting/sucking insects can be a vector as well. Isolate well if you're going to ride this out and remember than your container, dirt, etc. may also be compromised (as well as the seeds from the pods).
A center for ANTS!?
Seriously, though. I think it looks like a chocolate SB. I'd say that's better than it being reapers. Choco SB is great for just snacking.
Ruid said:
A center for ANTS!?
Seriously, though. I think it looks like a chocolate SB. I'd say that's better than it being reapers. Choco SB is great for just snacking.
Ya, could be.
Just eat that guy yesterday. Was sweet with a little fruity grape flavor. Was very hot, but not reaper hot imo. The heat lasted for a good half hour though... All in all very good tasting pod imo. It was the first from that plant. It didn't have an abundance of seeds just maybe a dozen or so, and left it on the plant after it turned from green to brown for at least 3-4weeks...
Seems the black splotches on the stems are not getting worse, maybe getting better if that is possible..? They are mostly on the sides/undersides of the stems, none on the tops of stems..?
Are these pods safe to eat, are the seeds contaminated..? Is there any plant antibiotic/antic fungal agent the plant can be cured with..?