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What is with this plant?

I have an unknown pepper plant that I don't think will produce any pods for me, but I keep it around as a curiosity.

Perhaps someone can tell me what is going on. Leaves feel almost waxy, and they are bizarre- looking and thicker than normal. Flowers don't open all the way, hang around for a while, then fall off.

I will attempt some photos.

Looks to me like too much nitrogen in the soil. I had a Jamaican Hot Chocolate that did that, just tons of narrow leaves, veeeeeeeeery bushy, even for a C.Chinense, and never even produced a single flower bud :( Turns out that too much nitrogen and not enough potassium or phosphorus will do that.
That's the thing. It's putting out buds, but the flowers have the same waxy thickness to them as the leaves. In the second pic you can see the blossom opening a little, but that is about as far along as they get, and then just stop opening.
Yeah, sounds like too much nitrogen. The plant is expending energy to produce tons of foliage and reinforcing the existing structures with more cellulose, which is usually a symptom of excess nitrogen. Try just watering plain water for awhile, to flush out the soil a bit, and then try a plant food with a significantly higher phosphorus and potassium rating, to encourage more bloom/fruit setting.
My vote is for Chimera - a genetic mutation.  I get some seedlings like this every year.  If you baby them, they do grow, but never produce.  All sort of bizarre things can be evident in these from thin leaves, patterning on the leave (variegation sometimes), weird growth patterns, etc.  Yours seems to be thick wavy leaves.  If it does produce you might be able to save the seeds and this trait could be in the offspring.  But usually these plants growth is so changed they are not productive. 
Update: I added some wood ash and watered generously, and she is setting pods.

Looks like I have another jalapeño plant working. Hope they have time to mature...

@Hendrix, I believe you were correct on the diagnosis of too much nitrogen.
Another update, with a pic.  Check out the shape of these jalapenos.  The plant's wierdness continues...
I'm growing a bunch of lemon drops and only one of them had similar looking symptoms as your plant. I believe it is a genetic mutation kinda like human babies being born deformed. The plant keeps growing and all the new growth looks warped so i just keep topping the deformities and now i have quite a bush with only one lemon drop. All my other plants have hundreds of pods.
Very pronounced veins that aren't smooth, but are somewhat wiggled down the leaf. The plant is telling you something with those, dude. 