Obviously neither is good, but i planted quite a few varieties in my yard this year with minimal work on the soil.
I will be improving that next year, but for this year i'll have to make do with what i have them planted in already....
I am using drippers and most are not taking off like i had hoped, so i wondered what would be the lesser of the two evils, overwatering or underwatering?
The soil is patchy so it's hard to gauge what is the right amount of water.... what would you professionals recommend?
I will be improving that next year, but for this year i'll have to make do with what i have them planted in already....
I am using drippers and most are not taking off like i had hoped, so i wondered what would be the lesser of the two evils, overwatering or underwatering?
The soil is patchy so it's hard to gauge what is the right amount of water.... what would you professionals recommend?