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health What is wrong with my peppers?

So I bought these seeds and they are brain strain but I planted them and here is what they look like
I looked at other peoples brain strains and they are alot taller
What is wrong with mine?
Yes they look very healthy. Nice green color, no leaf curl, and the short stocky stature just means your giving them plenty of light. I think most people that are New to growing ether use to little light or place them to far away. But yours look good.
there gonna be stunning little plants very bushy i reckon.instead of grwoing tall and lanky there short and stubby/bushy
They look great very healthy color and everything! How long ago did they sprout??? If its been 60+ days then you would have something to worry about lol
What are you using for drainage in those "crock pots"? Do you have drain holes in them with saucers underneath. Constant wet soil will slow down and possibly stunt the plant's growth.

I agree with Greg! You need to make sure there are some large drain holes in your pots! use an elevated saucer so any excess water will drain into it! You dont want root rot!!!
I agree with Greg! You need to make sure there are some large drain holes in your pots! use an elevated saucer so any excess water will drain into it! You dont want root rot!!!
I agree.

The soil looks wet and compacted. Could be a strain on the roots.
Just hold off on the watering. Holes will help but with the right watering they are not needed believe it or not.

I dont think I agree with your statement, perhaps if you explained why you dont need drain holes, maybe it will make sense to me. Not trying to be rude btw :)
I tend to agree with Capsicum..If the soil is watered to the point that water is running out of drain holes, you may be washing away nutes and soil...I keep mine very moist and have had no problems with growth (fingers crossed) :)
I tend to agree with Capsicum..If the soil is watered to the point that water is running out of drain holes, you may be washing away nutes and soil...I keep mine very moist and have had no problems with growth (fingers crossed) :)

Ahh but you see if you arent watering to the point of where water is dripping out the drain holes then that means you havent watered thoroughly enough IMO. those roots need the water too, and any excess water that isnt absorbed by the roots goes out the drain holes. I also believe its better to water heavier and less often rather then lightly and more often. But, alot of people have different opinions lol

Ahh but you see if you arent watering to the point of where water is dripping out the drain holes then that means you havent watered thoroughly enough IMO. those roots need the water too, and any excess water that isnt absorbed by the roots goes out the drain holes. I also believe its better to water heavier and less often rather then lightly and more often. But, alot of people have different opinions lol. BTW the soil stays in the pot doing it that way as well
to touch on what you guys are saying, I've been slightly playing around with my watering amounts the last few weeks once I potted them up into 1 gallon containers, I only watered them about 1/3 of a red solo cup the first time, and the soil was slightly damp already, and then I tried 1/2 a cup the next week, and then I did 3/4 of a cup the next week.. but point being that the soil I have is heavy, but it has a lot of air holes in them still, I tested it out first before potting them up (although I think next set of plants I will reduce the amount of actual soil and put some more pine chips and larger pieces in there so it's not so heavy) but anyways, I am not even coming close to being able to get water coming out through the bottom, but I don't want to do that now because the plant hasn't spread it's roots anywhere past that "solo cup" area that I had them in before.. but once they do get established I will water them more but less often, still not sure if I will water them until it comes out the bottom though, because I am still touch and go with edema, despite keeping the humidity down and not watering that much..

^^ you guys can kind of ignore that part, it's just me rambling.. but my point to what I was getting at above is this...

but anyways point being, I think they are saying that if you have a soil that can get wet but stay airy (like the type of soil I use when the plants are in solo cups) then I water until it comes out the bottom, which it has very good drainage, so it does pretty quickly.. but the soil I have my plants in now, in the larger container.. and once their roots are established, I think I will only water enough so that the soil is moist.. but not running out the bottom.. so if I can feel that it is damp in the bottom, then that is good for me

and yes, those plants look great.. look a lot like mine when they were smaller, so they are getting plenty of light.. and honestly that soil looks dry to me.. just dark rich soil.... but pretty dry, can't really tell on the left, but I would think he is watering them at the same times...I was gonna suggest that you could easily turn off 2 of the CFL lights assuming you had 4, because I thought they might just be used on those 2 plants, but I saw it was in a grow tent.. so you probably have other plants in there.. so never mind
Look I use pots with holes. It is not needed, if it was then my friends dad would not have this thriving rare flower in a pot that has no holes at the bottum. Or the many planter they make with no holes. When I did not understand plants very well I used to think those planters with no holes were not good.

If your plants are not outside and you can control watering you do not need holes.
to touch on what you guys are saying, I've been slightly playing around with my watering amounts the last few weeks once I potted them up into 1 gallon containers, I only watered them about 1/3 of a red solo cup the first time, and the soil was slightly damp already, and then I tried 1/2 a cup the next week, and then I did 3/4 of a cup the next week.. but point being that the soil I have is heavy, but it has a lot of air holes in them still, I tested it out first before potting them up (although I think next set of plants I will reduce the amount of actual soil and put some more pine chips and larger pieces in there so it's not so heavy) but anyways, I am not even coming close to being able to get water coming out through the bottom, but I don't want to do that now because the plant hasn't spread it's roots anywhere past that "solo cup" area that I had them in before.. but once they do get established I will water them more but less often, still not sure if I will water them until it comes out the bottom though, because I am still touch and go with edema, despite keeping the humidity down and not watering that much..

^^ you guys can kind of ignore that part, it's just me rambling.. but my point to what I was getting at above is this...

but anyways point being, I think they are saying that if you have a soil that can get wet but stay airy (like the type of soil I use when the plants are in solo cups) then I water until it comes out the bottom, which it has very good drainage, so it does pretty quickly.. but the soil I have my plants in now, in the larger container.. and once their roots are established, I think I will only water enough so that the soil is moist.. but not running out the bottom.. so if I can feel that it is damp in the bottom, then that is good for me

and yes, those plants look great.. look a lot like mine when they were smaller, so they are getting plenty of light.. and honestly that soil looks dry to me.. just dark rich soil.... but pretty dry, can't really tell on the left, but I would think he is watering them at the same times...I was gonna suggest that you could easily turn off 2 of the CFL lights assuming you had 4, because I thought they might just be used on those 2 plants, but I saw it was in a grow tent.. so you probably have other plants in there.. so never mind
I should have mentioned that this kind of watering is only for older and larger plants, not small/young seedlings