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health What is wrong with the new pods on my plant?

Experts of thp, what is wrong with the new pods. It already has about 30 well developed pods. Is this blossom end rot? What can I do to fix the problem?

juanitos said:
looks fine, normal coloration (look at how stem nodes are same color)
It's not normal from my experience with this plant. I've watched 30+ pods develop on this plant. The last two new pods grew in black and soft almost a rotten texture. Not firm and green like the previous 30+.
gmen16 said:
Mine look like that in the sun...no worries
If the soft texture normal too? All the other ones were firm.
TrueNorthReptiles said:
On my cell, so can't see that well, but anyone else thinking sun tan?
It has been awfully sunny and warm the last two weeks.
If the peppers are actually rotting you maybe experiencing blossom end rot. Many causes, but the most common is uneven watering.
P.S. Hope Brady goes down for the 4. Just kidding!
I am going with sun because the shaded pods do not seem effected.  If we humans get too much sun we tan, way too much we burn and if we get drunk and fall asleep next to the pool our skin blisters, bubbles and dies.  Peppers do the same thing.  Willing to bet the darkening is an evolutionary protection against the sun like humans do.
Yeah, sun stroke, see the all the cracking and splitting going on? My serrano's do that but not the ones inside under the leaves, just the one's exposed to the sun.
Just came home and found a Reaper Plant with pods the same way. It was pulled out from under the shade cloth and put in a raised bed 3 days ago. Today was over 100 degrees (always my luck). Pods not happy. Sunburn. 
Might sound weird, but I wonder if there is something natural that can be sprayed on them the way we spray on sunscreen.  Its nothing anyone in this forum likely needs because shading is fairly easy, but I have to figure the big boys who grow hundreds of acres would benefit from such a thing.  Maybe something added to the pesticides they use.