annuum What Jalapeno should I grow?


I was wondering what are some stable Jalapeno varieties that have good sized tasty pods for stuffing and roasting.
Billy Biker looks sweet but I read they are F1 hybrids? I want to be abled to save my own seeds for following years.
Allright but the thickness of jalapeno's is what makes them so awesome, you can actually "eat" them.
There must be some decent stable varieties that grow bigger then the standard jalapeno wich is barely enough to make little snacks with?!
I have 3 types growing this year.


The Early Jalapenos have the most heat by far and are a good size to stuff. I am going to let the Giant Jalapeno ripen to red and see if the heat improves, you can almost put a tub of cream cheese in just one, massive I tell ya.

Biker billy are great, but as you said they are hybrids.

I am growing Vaquero Jalapaeno from the Pepper Institute. Also the Zapotec jalapeño. The Zapotec is finally blooming. I am not sure the size yet. The last I am growing is the Jalmundo also from the pepper institute. I am not sure if they are hybrids and what level. I will email them and get back to you.
I'm with Powtawie. I have my Fresno seeds from store bought peppers germinating now. I'm gonna grow probably three pots of them since they are delicious. I've been ranting about them since I ate one this week lol

Hey for all you Fresno growers, how big do thy get. Can they get a good size in a one gallon? Id rather only put rarer supers in the huge ones
there are so many varieties of jalapeno, i would stick with potawie's advice on jalapenos, he seems to have spent the time on growing, cooking and tasting them to figure out which ones cut the mustard and his appreciation, to recommend a variety based on the pods corking ability is strongly sound advice. once ripe most jalapenos taste so similar but then once you add in the pod's presentation, it may make it, well, taste better.

i also agree with his take on fresno........... as a matter of fact, i am going to click "like this" on his post, and if i am not mistaken, it will be the first time ever that i have likened a members post!
starting some fresnos and jalapeno M seeds now.

My giant jalapeno is a low producer, what a disappointment!

Good thread though.
I'm growing different Jalapeno varieties this season. They all get pretty big except for the Purple, M and Early Jalapeno. The Chichimeca, El Jefe, Farmers Market Potato, Hercules, Numex Jalmundo are doing good but only have tasted the El Jefe which has a great taste and kick too it. I must say, after tasting a Serrano I do like the taste a bit more then the Jalapeno. It had a more spicier flavor too it and it's a good producer as well, the pods are a bit smaller but just as long.
Anyone try the maxi jala, it came 1st and 2nd in the chileman's longest chile competition but I've never heard much about them
I've grown Super Nachos, Biker Billy's Generic Jalapenos, and the Early Jalapenos. So far the only one I would not grow again is the Early Jalapeno. It's proved to be no more early than any of the others. Very poor production, but I have had an odd year for growing some of the peppers.
That being said, This year I've gotten superb production out of some garden variety of Jalapenos I got at a grocery store green house. Each plant has 50+ peppers on them.
well, if anyone knows jalapeno, it's pepperjoe, he loves jalapeno and knows how to present them; i am really glad he weighed in on this post.

you really can't beat fresno as an overall pepper, it has some heat, it has the thickness and it has some sweetness. then to top it all off, it grows like a weed! the only problem i have had with fresno, is getting them to die off, when you need the pots for something else.

i have bags of jalapeno seed but have no room to grow them - nor the want. if i need a jalapeno fix, i just walk to my local grocery store and pick them up. no they are not red, green as can be, which is one of the key reasons to grow your own, letting them rippen. one day, i am hoping, a member will jump forth and mention a jalapeno that makes your mouth water and it actually turns out to be a really good jalapeno. i know we have old biker billy posts that started out talking about how great they were, then the post fell apart with members disappointment. maybe purple jalapeno - i don't know!
once ripe most jalapenos taste so similar
Agree with "most", but won't say that of purples. I absolutely LOVE the flavor of purple jalapenos - definitely fruitier than most other jalapenos. The drawbacks are that they are small, tend to be more mild, and are rather seedy for their size (though not nearly as seedy as purple cayennes.) For me, the fantastic flavor of the purple jalapeno outweighs the other factors - I consider them to be a "snacking" pepper, which means I'll just pull them off the plant and eat them right there. So good! They're also great in cooking and candied, but I usually eat them fresh.