5 5101 Jul 4, 2008 #1 This chili is upright, very light green in colour, gradually turn red when ripe
rainbowberry Jul 4, 2008 #3 So have you tried one yet? Medusa is a small, compact plant with chillis that have little heat or none at all. Here's my very tiny one.
So have you tried one yet? Medusa is a small, compact plant with chillis that have little heat or none at all. Here's my very tiny one.
ZooMa Jul 4, 2008 #4 Pepper ID Looks like a Sport pepper. The kind they pickle and put on Chicago dogs.
M macmanmatty Jul 4, 2008 #5 What color are the flowers? It could possibly be a baccatum. It looks like my cap 343 baccatum.