making-powder What kind of mill/grinder for pepper flakes?

The shakers flat iron uses are hard to deal with, beautiful blend of chiles, but I have to remove the shaker head as the flakes are too big to go thru the holes. The flakes are super coarse.
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The shakers flat iron uses are hard to deal with, beautiful blend of chiles, but I have to remove the shaker head as the flakes are too big to go thru the holes. The flakes are super coarse.
They sell a grinder attachment that fits on their bottles to address this issue. I haven’t tried any of their products but I like what they’re doing with the blends.
You can get caps with different holes sizes. The norms are .125, .200, .250, .300. Go for the .300.
Indeed, but the super course grind is one of their selling points, which I like. Maybe just make the holes bigger. The blends are awesome. I sent out packets to a few folks on THP, maybe they will weigh in. Hell yeah!!!! .300!!!!
I'm with SL; I'm not a flake user either. I might have hit a slice of pizza with a shake or two, years ago, but now I just douse it with sauce.

Anyway, looking back at that pic you posted GS, I don't see one seed that is broken/chopped. Do you think that's just for the photo, or do they actually remove the seed, grind the meat, then blend the two back together? Just curious.
Do you think that's just for the photo, or do they actually remove the seed, grind the meat, then blend the two back together? Just curious.
As long as the holes on the meat grinder are bigger than the seeds, they should just push through with minimal damage to seeds.

I'm with

Anyway, looking back at that pic you posted GS, I don't see one seed that is broken/chopped. Do you think that's just for the photo, or do they actually remove the seed, grind the meat, then blend the two back together? Just curious.
To answer your question, no I don’t think anyone would go through the trouble of removing seeds and adding them back. I’m willing to bet they’re using a meat grinder or something similar. The previous photo is of flakes I bought from the store so it’s not just a pretty photo it’s how it comes.
If you use a slotted cover shaker you also get the flakes and not just the seeds. I see these at the pizza joints where they aren’t worried about you using too much pepper flake on your pizza.


The places that have the worthless round hole shakers just give me a dirty look when I screw the cover off and shake some out!