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pod What kind of pods are these

A couple years ago I purchased what was SUPPOSED to be a Ghost pepper plant from a local nursery but what grew wasn't Ghost pods so I saved some seeds and have some away to other growers. It grew true to the plant but still not a Ghost. Does anyone know what kind of pods these are ? Here are some pics supplied by PaulG


some of my first dorset naga and bombay morich had similar appearance, once mid summer hit and the plants really started to produce the pods took on a more crinkle appearance. i would guess it is a jolokia.
Looks a little like a pepperoncini. How hot are they?

They were hot but not super hot but the taste was a little funky as I remember perhaps I should try them again .

some of my first dorset naga and bombay morich had similar appearance, once mid summer hit and the plants really started to produce the pods took on a more crinkle appearance. i would guess it is a jolokia.

I think you might be right but I still think its crossed with something. However the baby plants have the traditional Super look with fat round leaves.