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What might this red guy be?

Found it on the ground when I was walking. Anyone know what it might be?

I don't think it's Serrano, not tapered enough. Not Fresno, either, since those have a more triangular shape from the stem down to the point. Also, not Jalapeno, since Jalapenos have gentler contours and more blunt and rounded end at the bottom. Definitely not a Thai, either, since those are very narrow and come to a very sharp point on the bottom. It is a very generic looking pepper, hard to tell exactly what it is. Most likely Annuum species, though it could also be Frutescens, too. Good luck in your quest. Try a taste and tell us what the flavor and heat are like!
I don't think it's Serrano, not tapered enough. Not Fresno, either, since those have a more triangular shape from the stem down to the point. Also, not Jalapeno, since Jalapenos have gentler contours and more blunt and rounded end at the bottom. Definitely not a Thai, either, since those are very narrow and come to a very sharp point on the bottom. It is a very generic looking pepper, hard to tell exactly what it is. Most likely Annuum species, though it could also be Frutescens, too. Good luck in your quest. Try a taste and tell us what the flavor and heat are like!
True Fresnos have the broad blocky shoulders. I would not have guessed that except I have two plants in a corner of my yard that has some pods just like that.Could be anything.Who knows. I found one left on the plant. Close, but no cigar?
Found it when you were walking hum lol walking in lows or home depot maybe? And plucked it of a plant with no name? Lol Looks like a baby red jalapeno just messing with the lowsthing but yah looks like a red jap to me.
hello Phearis
sorry but
just like CAYENNE'S there are a countless many that look like this one, so if you dont have a poss id on it from the start it could be almost imposable to tell what it is,
it looks like it may be an annum but without a pic of the plant it came from i cant tell, but this may still not help
i does however look like one im growing this year called RI DE TROPEA but i kinda doubt it that one its a little rare in this country or at the least i dont hear much of people growing it
also im with Hendrix its not a Serrano
i dont think its a Fresno either
could you post a pic of the plant??

thanks your friend Joe
I harvested the seeds and tried it. It was a little sweet, and a little hotter than a jalapeno. I actually really liked it.
I got 9 seeds, so whatever it is will be in my garden in the spring.

And I don't have a pic of the plant, there was just a pod on the ground.