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What Mistakes Have You Made This Season?

[font=Arial']Oh also I too am having labeling issues. I labeled them originally, but as I transferred from seedling area labels got misplaced, mixed up, or forgotten all together. I have a few that are a potential tossup between a couple different possible varieties. I have some that are just going to be straight up mystery peppers.[/font]
Two strong spring storms caused that to happen to me last year. The in ground labels were washed away, this year that will not happen!

The potting soils I've made from scatch have been by far inferior to some store-bought. I switched lately to Miracle Grow Moisture Control for potting up seedlings. It's non-organic, but the growth difference so far is dramatic. I've been told that Happy Frog Potting Soil is almost as good. It's organic.
So what do you think was the problem? Not enough compost or something like that
I lost quite a few to damping off. AGAIN. Not enough ventilation is what I suspect. I should hopefully be able to keep all of the ones I have now and still have a good year. :wacko:
The potting soils I've made from scatch have been by far inferior to some store-bought. I switched lately to Miracle Grow Moisture Control for potting up seedlings. It's non-organic, but the growth difference so far is dramatic. I've been told that Happy Frog Potting Soil is almost as good. It's organic.

same, mixing your own soil is way over hyped. My self mixed, carefully crafted, was horrible to grow in, however store bought Fox Farms happy frog ... the best stuff ever. I now grow exclusively with Fox Farms growing mediums.
damn, king. that sucks!!! Mistakes this year: fried a bunch of seeds with a heating mat in a room that was already 80 degrees. Used peat pots for new starts, then couldn't get them to stay wet enough. After switching to plastic pots, and putting my germination kit in another room on the floor with heating mat, no more problems. Mostly. Things to fix next year: buy an adjustable shelving unit for my overwinters so I can move the light farther away if needed. Never use peat pots again. Other than that, a little fine tuning with fertz and I should be decent.
So what do you think was the problem? Not enough compost or something like that
I suspect nutrient availability is a part of it. The root penetration seems robust enough in the plants I've de-potted. The vegetal growth is just way slow. I'm going to figure it out though.
I planted seeds in a home made seed starter mix instead of the store bought MG Seed Started Mix I have used for several seasons in the past.
I have one germination so far and it's skinny and sickly. The worst part is that some of the seeds I put in this mix in the propagator are the last ones I have.
So if I have to start over this weekend I guess I will only be growing about half as many varieties and will have multiples of the Thai Dragon and such as I still have some seeds from them.
Not that motivated this season anyhow. :(