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What Pepper is this and How Can It!?

What is you reasoning for try to raise your heat tolerance?

My thoughts are to enjoy the pepper, not build up resistance.
I don't get hung up on the scoville scale...Some sites list pequins at 30-60 thousand scovilles, but I've had some that will set your whole face on fire. You grow the right chili in the right conditions and BAM! It'll sucker punch you! Plus different peppers=different burns. Some are really hot, but build nice and slow while others seem to hit so fast that your tongue melts right out the gate!

I'm not too hung up on it either. That is why I included my experience with arbol peppers. Maybe there is a much hotter variety than what I had.
Well what ever they are this ones packed in some heat, Maybe growned in the right conditions, I even told my sister about it and she wouldnt believe me till she ate it hahahaha