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What peppers can't you find in your area?

My options are limited to poblano, jalapeno, serrano, anaheim, and orange Habs. Every now and then I come across some pretty beat up cayenne's, but those are few and far between. It's the whole reason that I'm growing my own.

I haven't tried too many exotics, I'm limited to scotch bonnets. Since I ran out of them, I'd absolutely love to see some in the markets. Since I highly doubt I'll see them anytime soon, I'll have to continue to grow my own. Got 8-10 of them on the grow right now as well as some Jamaican Yellows.
I certainly wouldn't grow a lot of super-hotties to sell in Ontario. Even if they are a rare find, they likely won't sell in quantity unless you meet some sauce makers or specialty restaurant owners and even they are probably quite specific in their needs.
I've grown many super-hotties in the last 5 years and I usually have to nearly give my extra frsh pods away or dry and sell them as powders

I do plan on selling to specialty sauce makers and cooks- I'm currently asking some of them what they want. I'm lucky in that I'll be selling to the Toronto market which has hundreds of thousands with a taste for spicy food. I agree the market is limited even here, but from what I can tell the supply is even more limited.

I'm at least as interested in sweet and cooking peppers as the hots. Would be interested in recommended exotic variety or sweet/milds since the selection of these are pretty limited as well.
In my area, if you go to the store looking for peppers, all you are going to find is Hot Hungarians,Anehiems, green Jalapenos, Orange Habs and red Habs. Then if you are lucky, you may find Serranos and Thia Hot
Davetaylor said:
if you are looking at the baccatums then lemon drop (aji lemon) is one you wanna try

they are very prolific! to a point that they can get top heavy & weather can bust off branches, & thats still for growing in MN a cold climate location.

pepper grower - I know you're asking people for chiles they cant get. but most of these people are from all over the world, but I have a feeling you're looking at it as a sellers point of view in canada, or maybe as a taste point as to which they'd prefer to buy if had a choice.

IMO best bet take some advice from potawie cuz he has more experience as to what some people might like in canada.
its better to sell what people would like vs what you think are the tastiest hot chiles.

then check your local market as to what they offer, then offer something different & tastier or different heat so you dont have to compete with a larger scale grocery store for price of a basic chile. & people will come to you for the chiles they cant get with better flavors &/or heat.

we all could list chiles we cant buy at our local grocery store, but it does no good if you're looking at it as a sellers view from canada & for mostly canada.
chilehunter said:
you know what heres a chile I cant find but would like to try - The Merciless Pepper of Quetzlzacatenango :lol:

The inmates that grow those are particularly protective of those. I highly doubt you'll find them anywhere let alone seeds. There was rumor that some slipped out of the country and were used in a pot of chili in Springfield, but that's just a rumor and I don't buy it!
Blister said:
The inmates that grow those are particularly protective of those. I highly doubt you'll find them anywhere let alone seeds. There was rumor that some slipped out of the country and were used in a pot of chili in Springfield, but that's just a rumor and I don't buy it!

guess I'm gonna have to go to springfield then :lol:
What do you consider specialty peppers? I grow all kinds and am starting to find customers, and they generally like something different yet familiar like a purple bell pepper or a ripe red jalapeno. Not too many people are looking for super hotties, especially in quantity.
I know my comments mean squat as i am in Australia but the only peppers i can find on a regular basis are Jalapenos and something the wankers around here like to refer to as "hot chilli", they are red and sometimes the green.

It's quite sad really!
chilehunter said:
you know what heres a chile I cant find but would like to try - The Merciless Pepper of Quetzlzacatenango :lol:
