What peppers got your interest for next season?

I'll be growing fewer supers and more Annum and Baccatum.  (Unless Impending Bending has another orphan seedling giveaway.)
Several New-Mex and SW/Mexico varieties.  Not surprisingly, they grow well in Aridzona, and aren't too stunned by the June heat.  Pico de Pajaro, Big Jim, NM6-4H, Lumbre, Ordono, Anaheim/'Hatch', Vallero, S.F. Grande, Negro de Valle, Mirasol, Kori Sitakami, etc.
Aleppo and a few other Turkish / Syrian varieties I've accumulated.  Might have to break down and order more varieties from Judy - some her pods sound amazing.
Baccatum!  (The hard part is deciding which ones to try!)
Aji Pineapple, Cito, Colorado, Omnicolor, Amarillo, Caballero, Santa Cruz. Bishop's Hat, Blondie, Heart Throb, Nepalese Bell, Rainforest, etc..
Habas are prolific and good for salsa.  Chocolate, Bonde Ma Jacques, maybe one more.
Gotta have a few super / near-super pods.  I really like the Yellow Brainstrain flavor.  Will likely plant a few MRTS (Bonus seeds from P.L. - THANKS!), Fatali, Datil as well. 
DRAT! That's only about 1/2 the seed varieties I have, and the list is already too big.   :rolleyes:
I'm not all that into the supers, so none for me next year.  I've really liked the S American peppers I've tried, so I want to explore more Aji peppers.  Also really fell in love with Fatalii this year so more of those
So next year's list:
  • Aji Lemon
  • Aji Pinapple
  • Aji Cito
  • Aji Peruvian
  • Brazilian starfish
  • Yellow Fatalii
  • White Fatalii
  • Trinidad Scotch Bonnet
  • MOA - Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
  • Congo Trinidad
  • Morouga Red Habanero (Trinidad pepper)
  • Cheiro Roxa
  • Maules Cayenne
Mostly annuums!
I'm still harvesting a few! No brainer choice :)
Some candidates i've already in seed form:

- Vietato
- Aruna
- Shishito
- Fushimi
- Thai Red Hot
- Thai Dragon
- Prik Jaew
- Cabe Sumatra
- Seychelles
- Karpathos
- Morocco
- Bengali (Nepal)
- Indonesian thin
- Indonesian thick
- Hijo puta madre
- Sri Lanka MI-2
- Pusa Jwala
- Kung Pao
- Bali Naga
- Malih-helow
- Maras
- Tabasco Greenleaf
- Florida Wild bird
- Sili-a-top
- Shabu shabu
- Mem Jolokia
- Jalabanero
- overwinters and bonchi

I'll try to reduce to 6-7 varieties LOL

I really want to try Judy's Lava, if she releases it...
Also, bhutlah and some of the 'variations' I had this year; Caramel Madballz, Orange (sort of) Brainstrain, Brown Large Scorpion, and the spiky Yellow 7-Pot.
2015 will be pretty much all wild species, I already have two Praetermissum varieties and want to get another two varieties of it also I was able for the first time after 3 tries I had 4 galapagoense come up so they are being over wintered for next year also.
Two species one is C. lanceolatum and then C. flexuosum are on my grow list I am over wintering two super hots and may grow two more that I have, but most will be wilds as I want not only to bump up my own seed bank after losing much of what I had and to do a give away to those that might like to try and grow some of the harder to grow varieties. I also will be growing a few Aji peppers and some of Judy's Turkish Annuums.
If i had to pick two out of my grow that I have already started for 2015, I would choose:
Manzano x Habanero
Unknown pepper taken from Cuba 2 years ago - or "Mitchell's Cuban pepper" as I'm calling it. I believe it is a yellow Habanero type, but won't know for sure until it grows and produces.
Any pepper over 1,000,000 scoville tHat I can get my hands on!! Working on having most of them and about 20 other kinds I've just never grown before haha
Thanks to a lot of great members on this board a whole bunch of new types. I think I'm up to about 80 types and I have to look at all the seeds this upcoming long weekend to catolog whatnI have then I can post them all.

But off the top of my head Brazilian Starfish, Aleppo, Bishops Hat, Aji Peruvian, Aji Amarillo, Brown Moruga, etc.

I'm actually excited to grow them all because I love growing these things. The smiles I get from people, especially a very very special Southern Belle in Kentucky just makes my day & night!
Geonerd said:
When is that monster going to be loosed upon the world?
I talked to Bill Moore who's one of the lucky men who tried it and he was enthusiastic about it! And Bill has tried a few ones... :D
Unfortunately i think we have to wait for its release, Judy told me it has to be stabilized before.
Have a few more on my grow list, but those that have my interest up the most right now are :
Habanero hand grenade (from ajijoe)
Buckeye Butchlah
Bahamian Goat
7-Pot Rennie Brown
Brown Moruga
Devil's Horn
Devil's Heart
Mustard Moruga Scorpion
Albanian Red hot
PIneapple Rocoto
Brazilian Starfish
7-Pot Bubblegum
Dorset Naga
Hot Paper Lantern
White Fatalii

Tekne Dolmasi

Elephant’s Ear

Sula Adana
And a Dollar General Orange Hab...
turbo said:
I'm not all that into the supers, so none for me next year.  I've really liked the S American peppers I've tried, so I want to explore more Aji peppers.  Also really fell in love with Fatalii this year so more of those
So next year's list:
  • Aji Lemon
  • Aji Pinapple
  • Aji Cito
  • Aji Peruvian
  • Brazilian starfish
  • Yellow Fatalii
  • White Fatalii
  • Trinidad Scotch Bonnet
  • MOA - Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
  • Congo Trinidad
  • Morouga Red Habanero (Trinidad pepper)
  • Cheiro Roxa
  • Maules Cayenne
Well thanks to PepperLover I now have to find room for two more varieties:
Aji Panca
Aji Verde
slade122 said:
If i had to pick two out of my grow that I have already started for 2015, I would choose:
Manzano x Habanero
I think that is impossible. Am I wrong? I thought pubes won't cross with anything but other pubes. Hell I don't know lol!!
Chewi said:
I think that is impossible. Am I wrong? I thought pubes won't cross with anything but other pubes. Hell I don't know lol!!
It's not impossible, there is another thread on it from 2009. Every single time I mention the cross, most people have a similar level of disbelief.
However, it does appear that this cross is extremely difficult to obtain, and there seems to be hardly any information on it.
My seed is from what I assume to be a genetically stable hybrid, brought back from mexico by a fellow grower. I was given a pod and dried the seed myself. It was mostly characteristic of a habanero, with thicker flesh and maybe a bit more wrinkly. I didn't taste the pod, so I can't comment on that.
Below is the thread started by willard3 on it. It has some great pics.
I got you man, looks like that thread from Willard says its a chinense. Manzano was referring the the color (apple) not the pube. I'm no expert though! Grow it out Texas style!! Rock on! :onfire:
I'm growing way too many. I'm unintentionally going for the title of Newbie With the Most Mid-Range Varieties. Case in point- 14 different habanero varieties & 7 fataliis + a few fatalii crosses. ...and just think, 6 weeks ago, I was thinking, "I might grow a crazy amount of peppers next year- like 15 or 20 different varieties." Trying to think up inventive ways to get more space. Its bad when you go to people's houses & think, "Hmm... I wonder if they'd let me put 5 pots over in that sunny spot over there." ...also, I'm a sucker for wacky shapes & colors as much as taste & heat, so Goronong, Jay's Peach, Trinidad Scoprion CARDI, Star of Turkey and some others have me excited too more for their looks than anything else.
I think I might have you beat for newbie with the most once my 3x 22 variety of sproutlings shoot up lol In addition to my 6 pepper plants I already have, I also plan on starting more once some seeds arrive my way. Super stoked for the MOA yellow, i'm almost positive it will be my favorite pepper